All Entries For poll

Gluten Sensitivity Might Not Exist, Say Researchers Who Originally Discovered It

According to researchers who originally discovered (non-celiac) gluten sensitivity, the condition may not actually exist.
Posted 11/2/2015  3:00:00 PM By:   : 11 comments   10,960 views
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Which Halloween Treat Would You Rather Eat?

You only have so many calories to spend on Halloween candy, so choose wisely! Which would you rather splurge on--chocolate candy or fruity candy?
Posted 10/31/2014  12:00:00 AM By:   : 8,062 views
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Jillian Michaels to Leave ‘Biggest Loser’; Will You Still Watch?

Last week, Jillian Michaels revealed that the next season of "The Biggest Loser" will be her last. Will you still tune in?
Posted 12/14/2010  9:28:18 AM By:   : 149 comments   27,723 views
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Survey: Kashi Wants to Know What You Know about Protein

Protein is an essential part of a healthy breakfast, as you know. That's we paired up with Kashi to find out what you think (and what you know) about protein!
Posted 11/3/2010  6:00:00 PM By:   : 157 comments   22,737 views
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How Has Healthy Eating Changed Your Life?

Since I started eating right, I feel a million times better. Now, I want to know: How has healthy eating changed YOUR life?
Posted 12/1/2009  12:49:13 PM By:   : 199 comments   44,557 views
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Poll: Are Women More Critical of Other Women's Bodies than Men?

Could other women's opinions shape your body image more than you realize? Weigh in on our latest poll!
Posted 9/18/2009  6:18:16 AM By:   : 205 comments   27,375 views
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