All Entries For infographic

You Made It to the Gym -- Now What?

Getting dressed and driving to the gym is half the battle. But once you're there, what comes next? Here's your cheat sheet for how to get the most out of your first days and weeks.
Posted 12/6/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 32 comments   60,596 views
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8 Ways to Clean the Fitness Gear You Always Forget to Clean

We wash our sweaty tanks and fancy leggings on a regular basis, but what about the items that don't fit in the washing machine? Learn how to easily clean eight fitness items!
Posted 9/9/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 86 comments   97,162 views
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Adopt a Healthy Habit for Every Waking Hour

Okay, so you can't be perfect every minute, but you CAN find ways to benefit your health at least once an hour. Here are some smart habits to incorporate throughout your day.
Posted 6/17/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 150 comments   187,519 views
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