All Entries For gluten-free

Gluten Sensitivity Might Not Exist, Say Researchers Who Originally Discovered It

According to researchers who originally discovered (non-celiac) gluten sensitivity, the condition may not actually exist.
Posted 11/2/2015  3:00:00 PM By:   : 11 comments   10,960 views
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Weekly Menu: Gluten-Free Dinners

Each week, we share a calendar with seven days of healthy recipes around a theme. This week's menu is gluten-free!
Posted 5/30/2013  12:00:00 PM By:   : 74 comments   209,663 views
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Easy Gluten-Free Lunch Recipes

Enjoy these gluten-free lunch recipes.
Posted 1/18/2013  12:00:00 PM By:   : 69 comments   274,843 views
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CLOSED: Win 1 of 5 Prizes from 'Mary's Gone Crackers'

I love Mary's Gone Crackers. Here's your chance to learn more about these crunchy snacks--and win some of your own!
Posted 11/11/2011  6:00:00 PM By:   : 43 comments   17,642 views
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12 Gluten-Free SparkRecipes

In honor of Celiac Awareness Month, here are some of SparkRecipes' best gluten-free dishes for your enjoyment.
Posted 10/13/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 22 comments   23,478 views
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Suffering from Celiac? Tips for Going Gluten-Free

Though gluten-free foods are popular these days, life without gluten is not a fad diet for those suffering from celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Learn more.
Posted 6/8/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 45 comments   24,260 views
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'No-Calorie Noodles': Will You Try Them?

No fat, no carbs, no gluten, and no calories. Will you try these noodles? And by the way, the same fiber (in candy) has caused choking deaths!
Posted 9/16/2010  5:00:00 AM By:   : 187 comments   44,150 views
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Have You Taken Your Nutritional Pulse?

These edible seeds may soon be the next great food alternative.
Posted 4/15/2010  6:52:41 AM By:   : 105 comments   23,463 views
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Gluten FEAR: Should You Go Gluten-Free?

Gluten-free foods, restaurants and cookbooks are a hot trend among health-conscious consumers. But is all this gluten fear really helping us?
Posted 1/29/2010  10:00:00 AM By:   : 204 comments   109,203 views
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Walden Farms Products Claim No Calories, Fat, Carbs, Gluten, or Sugar – Can They Be Good For You?

Many times limiting calories to reach a personal goal means saying good-bye to favorite 'extras' like syrups, jams, dips, and dressings. Does is have to?
Posted 12/24/2009  5:00:00 AM By:   : 123 comments   178,451 views
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Is Gluten Intolerance on the Rise? What You Should Know

Gluten-free foods are on many supermarkets shelves. Learn how to tell if these products are for you.
Posted 12/21/2009  1:41:46 PM By:   : 83 comments   24,011 views
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7 Hot Restaurant Trends for 2010

It is very important for restaurants to keep up with national food and beverage trends in order to develop the menu mix that patron's desire. What will be hot next year?
Posted 12/3/2009  5:00:00 AM By:   : 71 comments   27,452 views
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What Is Quinoa, and How Do I Eat It?

Reader AHHGEE recently asked about quinoa. Read on to find out all about this powerhouse of a grain!
Posted 11/4/2008  6:00:00 AM By:   : 159 comments   129,587 views
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