All Entries For exercise equipment

A Full-Body, Abs-Burning Bosu Ball Workout for Beginners

The BOSU ball offers a unique challenge for your muscles and body's stability. Pick up a few key moves with this full-body workout guide.
Posted 8/30/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 105 comments   56,963 views
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This Video About Healthy Eating Is so Funny Because It's Painfully True

Frustrated by conflicting dietary news reports that seem to change daily? Fear not--you're not alone. This hilarious sketch about a time-traveling dietitian will brighten your day.
Posted 8/4/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 93 comments   23,290 views
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8 Clever Products for the Determined Desk Dweller

Turn ''Cubicle, Sweet Cubicle'' into the active, goal-oriented space of your dreams with a few office additions.
Posted 9/15/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 15 comments   59,473 views
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30 Things Top Trainers Never Leave Home Without

Ever wondered what personal trainers put in their gym bags? Discover 30 must-have fitness tools the pros can't live without.
Posted 2/2/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 15 comments   51,651 views
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