All Entries For burn it off

Challenge Every Muscle with This Walking Interval Workout

Switch up your walking routine by adding intervals and body moves.
Posted 8/31/2015  12:00:00 AM By:   : 41 comments   108,350 views
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Burn It Off: St. Patrick's Day Beer Edition

Find out how much exercise it would REALLY take to burn off that St. Paddy's Day drink.
Posted 3/13/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 59 comments   80,860 views
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Burn It Off: How Much Hopping to Undo a Chocolate Bunny?

Find out how many jumping jacks it takes to offset the calories in a small chocolate bunny...
Posted 4/22/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 64 comments   35,339 views
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Burn It Off: How Much Cycling to Undo a Soft Pretzel?

How long would you have to ride your bike to burn off the calories in this summer snack? Longer than you think!
Posted 8/28/2009  6:30:29 AM By:   : 75 comments   41,052 views
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Burn it Off: How Much Gentle Yoga to Undo the Angry Whopper?

These nutrition facts will make you so mad that you'll need to calm down with some yoga!
Posted 1/23/2009  12:16:12 PM By:   : 286 comments   29,388 views
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Burn It Off: How Much Jumping to Undo a Bagel with Cream Cheese?

How long would you have to jump up and down to burn off the calories in this common breakfast?
Posted 1/7/2009  10:00:00 AM By:   : 264 comments   74,239 views
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Burn It Off: How Many Mall Laps to Undo a Cinnabon?

Find out how many times you'd have to circle the mall to burn off the calories in a single Cinnabon treat!
Posted 11/28/2008  1:26:58 PM By:   : 137 comments   94,467 views
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Burn It Off: How Much Raking to Undo a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte?

Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte is a popular drink this time of year. Find out how caloric it is, and how long you'd have to rake leaves to undo this drink!
Posted 11/18/2008  7:00:00 AM By:   : 144 comments   17,909 views
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Burn It Off: How Many Jumping Jacks to Undo a Halloween Candy Binge?

Before you bite, can you guess how many jumping jacks you'd have to do to undo the damage of a few pieces of candy?
Posted 11/4/2008  12:00:00 PM By:   : 67 comments   28,487 views
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Burn It Off: How Much Walking to Undo a Doughnut?

Your co-worker brings in a box of doughnuts. Before you bite, can you guess how much brisk walking you'd have to do to undo the damage of a doughnut?
Posted 10/21/2008  6:33:48 AM By:   : 182 comments   170,848 views
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Burn It Off: How Many Laps to Undo Taco Bell's Big Box Meal?

You won't believe how many laps you'll have to put in if you were to eat this monstrous meal...
Posted 9/12/2008  5:00:00 AM By:   : 135 comments   43,771 views
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