All Entries For body bliss

How Your Genes Affect Your Jean Size

Everyone is born with a certain body type and shape that we can't change. What we can change is how we choose to take care of our bodies!
Posted 11/7/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 82 comments   140,755 views
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Sexy Workout Songs that Celebrate You

These songs celebrate body diversity, inner beauty, and embracing your sexiness at any size!
Posted 2/6/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 113 comments   167,099 views
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How I Learned to Rock My Swimsuit with Confidence

Coach Nicole formerly confessed that she hadn't donned a swimsuit in eight years. Now she's sharing how she conquered her fear of the dreaded bathing suit--and you can, too!
Posted 6/15/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 67 comments   40,229 views
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Body Bliss: 8 Ways to Honor Your Body Today

Is it possible to go from loathing your body to LOVING it? We think so. Here are some simple tactics to start thinking more positively about your body--and yourself!
Posted 2/23/2011  6:00:00 AM By:   : 132 comments   43,181 views
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Body Bliss: Dress for the Body You Have Today

Want to lose weight? Go shopping! Find out how some new clothes could help you win at weight loss.
Posted 4/28/2010  8:00:00 AM By:   : 258 comments   48,564 views
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Body Bliss: Turn Every Negative into a Positive

Stop hating your body and start LOVING it with this 3-step exercise in positive self-talk!
Posted 5/27/2009  6:00:00 AM By:   : 157 comments   40,049 views
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Body Bliss: What Do You Love about Yourself?

Is the list of "things you hate about your body" longer than the list of things you love? It's time to change that once and for all!
Posted 10/8/2008  8:34:36 AM By:   : 466 comments   23,217 views
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