All Entries For binge

Ask Dr. Birdie: Straight Talk about Binge Eating

If you're dealing with an eating disorder on top of a weight issue, it can feel downright impossible to reach your goals. But there's hope! Dr. Birdie offers some advice.
Posted 3/27/2012  6:00:00 PM By:   : 58 comments   37,131 views
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Staying on Track: Instant Gratification vs.Long-Term Goals

How do you fight the urge to give in to instant gratification when you have a long road ahead of you? ~INDYGIRL shares her best tips.
Posted 8/19/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 85 comments   32,290 views
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Dealing with Emotional Eating

We don't always eat because we're hungry. We eat because we're bored, upset or lonely. So how can you cope? ~INDYGIRL shares her tips.
Posted 8/12/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 51 comments   33,230 views
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How I Stop a Binge

~INDYGIRL shares her best tips for stopping a binge.
Posted 5/27/2011  2:09:08 PM By:   : 387 comments   364,356 views
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