All Entries For 10 minutes

6 Ways to Maximize a Short Workout

Did you know that exercisers are more likely to stick with a workout plan when their workouts are shorter? Make the most of a few minutes with these smart fitness tips!
Posted 3/19/2018  11:00:00 AM By:   : 129 comments   85,221 views
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High-Intensity Cardio That Isn't Hard on Your Joints

Get your heart pounding (without pounding your joints) with this high intensity, low-impact cardio workout!
Posted 11/12/2013  12:00:00 AM By:   : 145 comments   160,882 views
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Burn 100 Calories in 10 Minutes!

Think 10 minutes can't really give you a good workout? Think again! Torch 100 calories (or more) in just 10 minutes with one of these easy workout ideas.
Posted 7/6/2013  10:00:00 AM By:   : 143 comments   544,080 views
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10 Ten-Minute Workout Ideas

Got a few extra minutes? Get moving with any of these ideas and fit in a little extra exercise today!
Posted 10/24/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 80 comments   120,399 views
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Doing Something Trumps Doing Nothing

According to a recent article in USA Today, the American College of Sports Medicine is advocating a just get moving approach to becoming active.
Posted 7/19/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 42 comments   17,653 views
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Rave Review: Quick Sculpt Pilates DVD with Toning Ball

Can you really tone up in 10 minutes with this workout set? Coach Nicole dishes the truth about her favorite new workout DVD.
Posted 7/14/2010  5:00:00 AM By:   : 24 comments   26,548 views
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Health Benefits of a 10-Minute Workout Last for 1 Hour

Next time you think 10 minutes of exercise won't make a difference, remember the results of a new study that says otherwise.
Posted 6/11/2010  11:00:00 AM By:   : 76 comments   52,817 views
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Exercise Secrets to Losing Big in 10 Minutes a Day

Find out how Coach Nicole combined all the best weight-loss strategies into one easy-to-follow workout plan!
Posted 3/17/2010  7:00:00 AM By:   : 71 comments   60,803 views
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When Less Exercise is More

Forget all-or-nothing when it comes to your workouts! Find out why may actually be more when it comes to fitness.
Posted 12/18/2009  2:00:00 PM By:   : 171 comments   59,223 views
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8 New Ways to Get Fit, Firm and Fired Up

Find out what people are saying about all eight brand-new workouts on Coach Nicole's newest workout DVD!
Posted 12/16/2009  6:00:00 AM By:   : 38 comments   26,367 views
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Stuff We Love: Cardio Dance DVDs from 10 Minute Solution

Coach Nicole gave these new workout DVDs two thumbs up. Find out if they're right for you!
Posted 9/25/2009  4:00:00 PM By:   : 91 comments   45,785 views
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Gear Up: SparkPeople's Cardio Blast Workout DVD

Here's a preview of Coach Nicole's 6-in-1 workout DVD!
Posted 1/30/2009  7:21:26 AM By:   : 90 comments   26,045 views
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Habits of Fit People: Commit to Just 10 Minutes

Coach Nicole shares the tips and tricks she uses to make exercise a habit in her own life.
Posted 9/26/2008  8:56:01 AM By:   : 151 comments   50,187 views
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