All Entries For women's health

Alternative Treatments for Hot Flashes

This second blog in a three-part series on treatments for menopausal hot flashes focuses on alternative options.
Posted 4/13/2011  2:27:13 PM By:   : 47 comments   26,504 views
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Hot Flashes: Diet, Exercise, and Lifestyle Tips

Women's fitness expert share her secrets for staying cool during menopause--even during hot flashes!
Posted 3/15/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 75 comments   57,875 views
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NEW Series: Menopause Health and Fitness 101

Menopause can send your emotions on a roller coaster. Will anything help keep you on an even keel? Fitness expert Cathy Cram offers hope in this new series!
Posted 2/15/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 109 comments   35,705 views
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Go Red for Women Tomorrow, Feb. 4!

Each year more women die from heart disease than the next four leading causes of death including breast cancer so wear red tomorrow to show your support for making changes.
Posted 2/3/2011  11:10:48 AM By:   : 97 comments   23,512 views
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Choose You Commitment: Commit to Putting Yourself First

Recently the American Cancer Society launched the Choose You Commitment program as a means to empower women to put their health first, especially when it comes to early detection.
Posted 10/23/2010  8:12:07 AM By:   : 43 comments   19,394 views
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New Study Uncovers a Surprising Health Risk for Pear-Shaped Women

Pear-shaped bodies are often considered healthier than apple shapes, but a new study has found an interesting connection between lower-body fat and health risk.
Posted 9/3/2010  3:00:00 PM By:   : 96 comments   38,557 views
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'Exercise Helped Me Beat Breast Cancer'

Beth is a wife, mother, SparkPeople employee and breast cancer survivor who has an important--and inspirational--message to share about the healing power of exercise.
Posted 7/19/2010  6:17:37 AM By:   : 106 comments   32,145 views
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Exercising While Pregnant: Good for Mom, Great for Baby

I'm a huge advocate of exercise during pregnancy. Although the benefit to mothers is well-established, new research is showing that exercise can also benefit baby.
Posted 4/12/2010  10:00:00 AM By:   : 69 comments   49,931 views
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Diet and Exercise May Prevent 1/3 of Breast Cancers

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. New studies are highlighting the large role that lifestyle plays when it comes to breast cancer risk.
Posted 4/9/2010  6:10:43 AM By:   : 61 comments   30,395 views
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1 Hour: Amount Women Should Exercise to Prevent Weight Gain

Regular physical activity can help with weight loss. But wouldn't it be nice to know how much you need to exercise daily to prevent weight problems in the first place?
Posted 4/6/2010  5:45:39 AM By:   : 128 comments   36,763 views
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Go Red for Women on Friday, February 5th

This Friday marks the 7th annual American Heart Association's National Wear Red Day, are you planning to participate by wearing red that day?
Posted 2/3/2010  4:00:00 PM By:   : 183 comments   22,269 views
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How A Healthy Lifestyle Helped Alleviate My PMS

Three in four women suffer from PMS in some form. Are you among them? I am, but I've found ways to cope. Here's how.
Posted 9/9/2009  6:15:01 AM By:   : 76 comments   27,991 views
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Eating Disorders Can Strike at Any Age

Having spent 32 out of 44 years of my life dieting, only recently did I discover what I viewed as lack of willpower on my part was probably an eating disorder in disguise.
Posted 7/22/2009  6:30:26 PM By:   : 106 comments   30,127 views
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Eat This to Burn 50% More Fat When Working Out

A new study shows that what you eat beforehand could affect the calorie burn during your workout. What foods could help you burn as much as 50% more fat?
Posted 5/15/2009  10:16:52 AM By:   : 143 comments   33,375 views
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On Mother's Day, Have a Heart-to-Heart about Family Health

It’s important to research your family’s medical history, and there’s no better way to start than by asking your mother. This Mother's Day, start the conversation.
Posted 5/10/2009  12:02:44 PM By:   : 32 comments   12,180 views
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