All Entries For spread the spark

Blogging from the Road: Tiffany's Back on Tour with Beyonce*

Singer, songwriter and SparkPeople member Tiffany Moníque is the dailySpark's newest team member. She has exciting career news and a new weight-loss goal!
Posted 5/4/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 36 comments   24,224 views
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Yes We Can!

John has lost more than 65 pounds using SparkPeople, and her recently reset his weight-loss ticker for a new goal. Here are four things that motivate him.
Posted 4/27/2011  2:10:03 PM By:   : 93 comments   29,550 views
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A Memorable SparkPeople Weekend

If you have ever contemplated traveling to meet your fellow SparkPeople friends for an event, this blog may be just the push you need to do just that.
Posted 4/5/2011  6:00:00 PM By:   : 70 comments   20,770 views
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Meet Tiffany, a SparkPeople Success Story and the Next Big Star!*

Tiffany is an immensely talented vocalist (and one of Beyonce's back-up singers). Now, thanks to SparkPeople, she's 80+ pounds lighter. Look out world, here she comes!
Posted 2/10/2011  3:00:00 PM By:   : 186 comments   104,629 views
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Special SparkPeople Issue of 'All You' Magazine Out Now

A special SparkPeople issue of All You magazine hits newsstands today. Get a sneak peek inside the issue full of SparkPeople success stories, workouts, recipes and more!
Posted 1/14/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 138 comments   35,828 views
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Meet Tim, SparkPeople's Social Media Expert

If you've ever read our Facebook updates or our Twitter feed, then you know Tim, who has been with SparkPeople for almost a decade! He has a pretty cool job here at SparkPeople.
Posted 1/11/2011  6:00:00 AM By:   : 23 comments   13,770 views
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UPDATED: SparkPeople Member in People--and on the Today Show!

Christina Cores, 22, lost 122 pounds using SparkPeople--and gained the courage to enter a beauty pageant. She'll be on the Today Show at 8:18 this morning!
Posted 1/2/2011  9:39:56 PM By:   : 180 comments   62,135 views
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Magazine Names SparkGuy a 'Champion of Health and Fitness'

Our own Chris "SparkGuy" Downie has been honored by Fitness Magazine’s as one of 10 Champions of Health and Fitness in 2010. WooHoo!
Posted 12/21/2010  5:50:51 AM By:   : 137 comments   19,157 views
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This Med Student Maintains Her Sanity despite an Insane Schedule

A fourth-year med student shares her best tips for staying on track with food, sleep, and fitness despite her jam-packed schedule.
Posted 11/17/2010  11:03:16 AM By:   : 42 comments   23,948 views
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Member Featured on Today's Joy Fit Club

What a day for SparkPeople! We were featured on "Today," the Woman's Day website and Marie Claire oniline.
Posted 10/6/2010  5:00:00 PM By:   : 23 comments   24,997 views
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Dallas SparkTeam Holds First Rally

Members of the SparkPeople Dallas team met last weekend for the inaugural meet and greet as they held the first of many rallies.
Posted 10/2/2010  8:00:00 AM By:   : 47 comments   15,448 views
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SparkPeople Members Take on the Hood to Coast Relay

In less than 72 hours, 12 SparkPeople members will be running in one of the most prestigious running events in the world--The Mt. Hood to Coast relay. Come and meet the team!
Posted 8/24/2010  6:03:13 AM By:   : 122 comments   22,863 views
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From Eating for My Weight to Eating for My Health

Something extraordinary happened to Julie: She realized that her body doesn't care what size jeans she wears--as long as she respects it, feeds it well, and moves it regularly.
Posted 7/26/2010  2:07:09 PM By:   : 123 comments   46,560 views
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SparkPeople Debuts in Washington Post

WooHoo! SparkPeople was featured in the Washington Post. "The magic's in the motivation," The Post wrote. Do you agree?
Posted 6/21/2010  10:23:15 AM By:   : 79 comments   15,817 views
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UPDATED: Fortune: We're the 'Facebook of Dieting'

Check out the great article on SparkPeople in the latest issue of Fortune magazine.
Posted 4/13/2010  2:02:42 PM By:   : 168 comments   28,921 views
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