All Entries For drinks

My Resolution: Kicking My Caffeine Addiction in 2012

For my 2012 resolution, I want to kick my caffeine habit. I'm not giving it up entirely, but I will be cutting back--and setting limits. Who's with me?
Posted 12/21/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 71 comments   27,932 views
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Drink In Some Facts about Alcohol and Your Health

Mr. Bad Food is on a weight-loss kick, which means he's limiting his beloved beer. He learned some surprising facts about booze and brews.
Posted 10/12/2011  6:00:00 PM By:   : 20 comments   19,758 views
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1 In 4 Teens Drink Soda Daily, Says CDC

About one in four teens in the U.S. drink soda every day, according to a new study of high-schoolers released this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Posted 7/27/2011  6:00:00 AM By:   : 8 comments   10,681 views
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Are Food Labels Lying to You? New Corn Syrup Study Suggests Yes

A new study on HFCS-sweetened drinks shows that random samplings contained up to 128% of the sugar indicated on labels. What does this mean for you?
Posted 10/29/2010  5:00:00 AM By:   : 46 comments   21,821 views
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A Magical Beverage That's Proven to Suppress Your Appetite

What if I told you there is something you can drink that is easily accessible, free, healthy, and can help you lose more weight? Does it sound too good to be true?
Posted 9/3/2010  10:12:31 AM By:   : 167 comments   126,260 views
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Does Relaxation Require a Special Drink?

Relaxation drinks are becoming more prominent but are they right for you?
Posted 4/1/2010  6:20:37 AM By:   : 118 comments   19,555 views
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Alcohol and Weight Gain: Have We Had it Wrong All Along?

A recent study found that non-drinkers gained MORE weight than moderate drinkers of alcohol. Are wine and beer really weight-control tools? Not so fast...
Posted 3/19/2010  12:00:00 PM By:   : 229 comments   161,261 views
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Confessions of a Former Diet Coke Addict

It's been 11 months since I had my last drink of Diet Coke and while I never thought I would be able to give it up, I discovered it wasn't as difficult as I thought.
Posted 12/16/2009  4:00:00 PM By:   : 655 comments   67,351 views
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I'm Not Raising My Hand for Chocolate Milk

A new campaign is trying to keep chocolate milk as a choice in school cafeterias, saying that taking it away will do more harm than good.
Posted 11/27/2009  6:00:00 AM By:   : 254 comments   36,781 views
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Would You Like a Muffin Top With that Coffee?

Could your daily coffee breaks be expanding your waistline?
Posted 10/30/2009  11:12:57 AM By:   : 116 comments   30,769 views
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Will Pickle Juice Really Become the Next Sports Drink for Exercisers?

Pickle juice contains a large amount of sodium, and when added to water, can make an excellent electrolyte replacement drink if you can tolerate the flavor.
Posted 10/28/2009  4:52:29 PM By:   : 165 comments   43,255 views
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One More Reason To Drink Your Water

The idea that you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day is a myth, right? Maybe, but there are a lot of reasons to make sure you're getting enough.
Posted 10/27/2009  6:02:52 AM By:   : 195 comments   31,188 views
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Are Diet Soft Drinks Really A Better Alternative?

When you decide to make a change to your diet, many people switch out the regular soda for diet. But some recent studies say that diet drinks might not be much better for you.
Posted 8/11/2009  2:08:30 PM By:   : 459 comments   87,450 views
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You Asked: Is Muscle Milk Good for You?

This revolutionary supplement formulation may be something that can enhance your training.
Posted 7/30/2009  12:53:56 PM By:   : 91 comments   273,328 views
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We Cut the Calories in Your 5 Favorite Cocktails

It is possible to say "cheers" without cheating on your healthy eating plan. Find out how before you start your weekend!
Posted 7/24/2009  2:00:00 PM By:   : 81 comments   36,886 views
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