All Entries For weight gain

Confession: I Gained 10+ Pounds on a Cruise!

Birdie is a doctor, but she's also a woman who has lost more than 100 pounds. Maintenance isn't easy, but, as she learned on a recent cruise, it isn't all or none
Posted 8/2/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 159 comments   121,071 views
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Dr. Birdie's Take on the 'Potato Chips Will Make You Fat' Study

Have you seen the study that said potato chips will make you fat? Dr. Birdie, SparkPeople's medical expert, explains what you REALLY need to know about foods that /make you fat.'
Posted 7/20/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 26 comments   33,933 views
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Senior 15 May Be More Accurate than Freshman 15

New research shows the trend is moving toward the Senior 15 (instead of the Freshman 15), as more students gain weight as they progress through their academic career.
Posted 12/24/2010  9:34:22 AM By:   : 36 comments   24,046 views
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Ditch the Dining Hall Tray to Stay Lean at College

In college, it took me time to get used to making healthy food choices. Weight gain is a concern of many college freshmen, and schools are taking notice.
Posted 9/24/2010  6:10:22 AM By:   : 46 comments   16,967 views
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Short-Term Slip-Ups Could Lead to Long-Term Problems

You go on vacation and your newly formed healthy habits are out the window. Eventually you get back on track and begin again, but a new study says it might not be that simple.
Posted 9/10/2010  1:04:21 PM By:   : 162 comments   29,460 views
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Confession: I Gain a Few Pounds Every Summer

My secret: I gain a few pounds every summer. I don't like the heat, and I'm BUSY! I don't sweat it. Why? Because healthy living is not about being perfect!
Posted 8/11/2010  5:01:06 PM By:   : 123 comments   45,924 views
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Is Marriage a Reason to Pack on the Pounds?

Being healthy has been a big part of my life for many years, but I'm not the norm. Statistics show that both men and women tend to gain weight after they get married.
Posted 7/2/2010  10:00:22 AM By:   : 139 comments   26,226 views
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1 Hour: Amount Women Should Exercise to Prevent Weight Gain

Regular physical activity can help with weight loss. But wouldn't it be nice to know how much you need to exercise daily to prevent weight problems in the first place?
Posted 4/6/2010  5:45:39 AM By:   : 128 comments   36,763 views
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Alcohol and Weight Gain: Have We Had it Wrong All Along?

A recent study found that non-drinkers gained MORE weight than moderate drinkers of alcohol. Are wine and beer really weight-control tools? Not so fast...
Posted 3/19/2010  12:00:00 PM By:   : 229 comments   161,261 views
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One Surefire Way to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

The secret to preventing winter weight gain is simpler than you may think!
Posted 12/11/2009  7:28:07 AM By:   : 206 comments   45,514 views
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Would You Like a Muffin Top With that Coffee?

Could your daily coffee breaks be expanding your waistline?
Posted 10/30/2009  11:12:57 AM By:   : 116 comments   30,769 views
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Yoga Can Break the Cycle of Overeating

Regardless of what other activity you participate in, adding some yoga can help you reconnect your body--your stomach in particular--and your brain.
Posted 9/10/2009  12:24:24 PM By:   : 110 comments   35,459 views
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7 Tips for Controlling Your Hunger’s On and Off Switches

Authors of the best-selling book "You: On a Diet, "Michael F. Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet C. Oz, M.D., shared these tips on keeping your hunger in check.
Posted 9/8/2009  9:55:34 AM By:   : 84 comments   28,679 views
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Weight Busters: Take the First Step of a Thousand Miles

Many of us are looking for THE answer. The right diet regimen and exercise routine that will move us from frustration to success. Is there such a thing?
Posted 8/3/2009  6:45:20 AM By:   : 142 comments   20,237 views
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The Shame and Pain of Regaining

For many, losing weight is the easy part, but if we fail to change our lifestyle, the pain of regain can cause such heartache and frustration that the battle is never conquered.
Posted 7/30/2009  6:04:48 AM By:   : 396 comments   41,158 views
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