All Entries For diabetes

Let's Help Stop Diabetes during American Diabetes Month

Nearly 24 million adults and children in the U.S. are living and thriving with diabetes. November is American Diabetes Association to share ways we can all help Stop Diabetes.
Posted 11/4/2010  11:46:36 AM By:   : 40 comments   24,171 views
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Is Agave Nectar Really a Healthier Option?

The Blue Agave is famously used to make tequila. Now, the nectar has become a popular "natural" sweetener option. Learn more about the latest concerns.
Posted 2/22/2010  8:00:00 AM By:   : 230 comments   124,389 views
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Oprah Takes on Type 2 Diabetes, the 'Silent Killer'

Turn on the TV or set your DVR today for a very special episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” on the topic of Type 2 diabetes, which Oprah calls "a silent killer."
Posted 2/4/2010  10:04:11 AM By:   : 103 comments   25,306 views
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