All Entries For birdie

We Are Meant to Move: Why 'Dieting' Alone Doesn't Work

It's hard to believe, but Dr. Birdie is a self-proclaimed "reformed couch potato." Here, she offers her tips to help others get moving!
Posted 8/31/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 101 comments   62,026 views
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Don't Be Afraid to Talk to Your Doctor about Weight Loss

Afraid of talking to your doctor about weight loss? Dr. Birdie allays your fears--and offers advice for getting the help you need.
Posted 8/16/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 68 comments   60,636 views
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Confession: I Gained 10+ Pounds on a Cruise!

Birdie is a doctor, but she's also a woman who has lost more than 100 pounds. Maintenance isn't easy, but, as she learned on a recent cruise, it isn't all or none
Posted 8/2/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 159 comments   121,071 views
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Dr. Birdie's Take on the 'Potato Chips Will Make You Fat' Study

Have you seen the study that said potato chips will make you fat? Dr. Birdie, SparkPeople's medical expert, explains what you REALLY need to know about foods that /make you fat.'
Posted 7/20/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 26 comments   33,933 views
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Dr. Birdie's 10 Top Tips for Teaching Kids Healthy Habits

We know that childhood obesity is an epidemic, and, as parents, we want what's best for our kids. So how can we help them? Dr. Birdie--a mother of five--shares her best tips!
Posted 7/6/2011  6:00:00 AM By:   : 27 comments   25,495 views
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Welcome 'Dr. Birdie' to the dailySpark

Let's welcome Dr. Birdie Varnedore as our resident medical expert. Birdie is a mother of five who lost 140 pounds using SparkPeople--and she's a neurologist.
Posted 6/20/2011  10:00:00 PM By:   : 125 comments   23,550 views
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Birdie Shares a Giant Thank You and Motivational Message

As a way to say thank you for all your support and to answer your questions, Birdie wrote a guest blog post for the dailySpark.
Posted 6/1/2009  1:00:26 PM By:   : 154 comments   18,333 views
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Didn't See Birdie on 'Good Morning America'? Watch Her Video Now

Yesterday Birdie shared her amazing story with the dailySpark. Today, she shared it with "Good Morning America." Watch it now!
Posted 5/26/2009  10:03:09 AM By:   : 160 comments   27,199 views
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'I'm a Doctor and Mother of 5--and I Lost 140 Pounds!'*

Birdie, a neurologist and mother of five from Orlando, lost 140 pounds with SparkPeople. She tells the truth about what it's really like to drop the weight and stay motivated!
Posted 5/25/2009  2:00:00 PM By:   : 636 comments   131,823 views
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