All Entries For abs

The Best Workout You Can Do for Your Core

Coach Nicole answers your questions about abs training--and shares the No. 1 exercise you can do for a stronger core.
Posted 10/5/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 78 comments   196,520 views
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Do You Know What the Average Woman's Body Really Looks Like?

We've become so accustomed to the airbrushed pictures that it's easy to forget those images aren't real. Here's proof that those photos are anything but normal.
Posted 6/23/2012  2:00:00 PM By:   : 297 comments   707,338 views
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2 Pilates Moves for Stronger Abs

Research shows that these two common core exercises are much more effective at flattening your belly than standard crunches. Find out why they work--and how to do them yourself!
Posted 6/13/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 82 comments   146,864 views
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Tummy Troubles: How I Learned to Embrace My 'Flaws'

Confession: I don't like my stomach. Or at least I didn't. Find out how I called a truce with my most troublesome body part and learned to embrace my "flaws."
Posted 6/20/2011  10:06:49 AM By:   : 103 comments   51,702 views
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Jackie Warner's Secrets to Amazing Abs

Jackie Warner has the kind of abs most of us can only dream about, but she says anyone can get a seriously toned tummy with the right diet and her must-do moves!
Posted 3/16/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 42 comments   33,813 views
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Another Reason to Try Pilates: Sculpted Arms

Want stronger arms? Strengthen your core and the rest will follow!
Posted 6/4/2010  7:00:00 AM By:   : 59 comments   36,470 views
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6 Good Reasons to Try Pilates

From standing taller to looking better, the benefits of Pilates are many, and the moves can challenge exercisers of all levels.
Posted 5/20/2009  11:00:00 AM By:   : 213 comments   127,438 views
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You Asked: How Do I Tone My Lower Abs?

Finally! Coach Nicole reveals the secrets to a flat belly.
Posted 11/14/2008  10:01:26 AM By:   : 87 comments   57,899 views
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You Asked: Can You Train Your Abs Every Day?

Do your abs really need a day off? Find out!
Posted 9/5/2008  4:00:00 AM By:   : 82 comments   89,452 views
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For Men Only: Are You a Mirror-Muscle Guy, or the Real Deal?

If you spend much time in the gym, you’re probably familiar with the “mirror muscle” crowd. Find out why you don't want to join them...
Posted 8/28/2008  9:00:00 AM By:   : 15 comments   39,328 views
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Does It Really? We Test the Bender Ball

The Bender Ball promises to target your abs over 400% more effectively than crunches alone. Find out if it lives up to its claims.
Posted 8/19/2008  5:57:59 AM By:   : 322 comments   141,265 views
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Confession: I Don't Have a Six Pack

Do you have to look fit to be fit? Find out what Coach Nicole has thinks.
Posted 8/15/2008  6:00:00 PM By:   : 219 comments   40,327 views
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