All Entries For weight loss for health reasons

How One Couple Worked Together to Lose 267 Pounds*

Walking and food tracking helped Steve and Debbie reclaim their health and energy.
Posted 2/10/2015  12:00:00 AM By:   : 99 comments   66,305 views
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Kim Changed Her Eating Habits and Made a Commitment to Exercise to Drop 95 Pounds!*

Kim dropped 95 pounds and reduced her blood pressure by learning to love herself and make healthy choices for her body.
Posted 4/6/2014  12:00:00 AM By:   : 71 comments   53,153 views
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Justyna Lost 65 Pounds with a Little Help from Her SparkFriends*

Learn how someone barely able to walk took control of her life and health by learning you can never fail at SparkPeople, you just keep practicing until you get it right!
Posted 3/30/2014  12:00:00 AM By:   : 62 comments   45,350 views
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How Amanda Lost 105 Pounds the Healthy Way*

Amanda gained weight dealing with years of illness and medication. She lost it by slowing changing her eating and exercise habits and treating weight-loss like a full-time job.
Posted 3/16/2014  12:00:00 PM By:   : 61 comments   66,405 views
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Kimberly Dropped 100 Pounds and Took Control of Her Health by Making Small Changes *

Kimberly Pinney transformed her life and her body by making one small healthy choice at a time until she had lost 100 pounds and learned to manage her medical conditions.
Posted 3/9/2014  12:00:00 AM By:   : 82 comments   56,875 views
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Eboney Found Herself on Her Journey to Lose*

Eboney started with a one-mile walk and went on to transform her body and her life!
Posted 2/23/2014  12:00:00 AM By:   : 69 comments   42,417 views
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Erika Lost 90 Pounds and Beat Depression*

Find out how Erika lost 90 pounds, busted through her depression, and built a new life for herself!
Posted 2/16/2014  12:00:00 AM By:   : 79 comments   98,991 views
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A Health Scare Motivated Carol to Change Her Life*

A hospital visit made Carol realize that it is never too late to start over. After losing 120 pounds, her health concerns are history and her self-confidence has skyrocketed.
Posted 11/24/2013  12:00:00 AM By:   : 45 comments   23,594 views
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Evelyn Beat Cancer Twice and Is Half Her Size!*

Learn how Evelyn lost 150 pounds while dealing with major health issues.
Posted 8/18/2013  12:00:00 AM By:   : 52 comments   24,624 views
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From Bedridden to Loving Life, 240 Pounds Lighter*

Beth shares her success story, from being bedridden to getting a second chance at life, thanks to SparkPeople.
Posted 8/11/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 229 comments   60,051 views
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Former Figure Skater Reclaims Her Fitness*

Motivated by her 30th high-school reunion, Pattie decided to get fit and lose weight once and for all. Now she's 54 pounds thinner.
Posted 7/28/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 58 comments   31,650 views
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'I Became a Fitness Instructor in My 50s'*

Meet Sue Carson (BCARSON11), whose move to a smaller town led to a passion for fitness and a new career, after losing 71 pounds in her 50s!
Posted 7/14/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 58 comments   35,995 views
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WATCH: Tracy's Weight-Loss Story Featured on TV!*

Remember Tracy, the Indiana woman who lost 200+ pounds? After seeing Tracy's story on our blog, a TV station asked her to share her story. Watch the video!
Posted 7/3/2013  2:00:00 PM By:   : 70 comments   41,027 views
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How Carley Got Healthy--Mentally and Physically*

Learn how Carley shed 60 pounds, with the help of SparkPeople! Don't miss her dramatic story.
Posted 6/26/2013  6:00:00 PM By:   : 33 comments   32,188 views
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Learn Lisa's Secret to Weight-Loss Success*

Today, Lisa is 100 pounds lighter, and she's sharing her story on Huffington Post Healthy Living. Check it out!
Posted 6/4/2013  6:00:00 PM By:   : 20 comments   32,554 views
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