All Entries For consider the source

hCG Injections for Weight Loss: Do They Really Work?

People are jumping at the chance to eat 500 calories a day and inject themselves with a pregnancy hormone in hopes of losing weight. What's the deal with this new diet trend?
Posted 7/24/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 226 comments   666,718 views
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Do Packaged Diet Foods Really Result in Better Weight Loss?

Do pre-packaged diet plans really work and, even if they do, can you keep the weight off eating real food?
Posted 5/11/2013  12:00:00 PM By:   : 67 comments   52,759 views
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Should You Believe the 'Organic Isn't Healthier' Study?

News outlets have been reporting on a recent study that claims organic food isn't any better for you. Should you save your money? Read this first!
Posted 9/7/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 161 comments   43,829 views
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Tempted by the Latest Fitness Gadget? Do Your Homework

A new survey investigated the research supporting magazine advertisements and websites for a broad range of sports products. The results might surprise you.
Posted 8/21/2012  6:00:00 PM By:   : 24 comments   24,606 views
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VIDEO: Shocking Before and After Transformation Photos in 5 Hours

You've seen the dramatic weight loss before and after photos on many products offering rapid results. You may be shocked by how some of those photos are made the same day!
Posted 2/23/2012  2:00:00 PM By:   : 72 comments   74,960 views
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10 Red Flags of Junk Science (and Bogus Diets)

With so many news stories and studies at our fingertips these days, it can be hard to know what to believe. Remember these rules when reading diet and health information.
Posted 8/5/2011  6:00:00 AM By:   : 21 comments   40,796 views
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New Wendy's 'Natural-Cut' Fries: Are They Any Healthier?

With their fries rated number four in the industry, will the new Wendy's redesign raise their rating? More importantly, are they any healthier?
Posted 11/30/2010  6:00:00 AM By:   : 129 comments   76,131 views
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Separating Hype from Reality on Menus

Restaurants add long descriptions to entice diners. Real cheese and fresh lettuce become selling points. But shouldn't all cheese be real and all lettuce be fresh?
Posted 8/25/2010  11:10:12 AM By:   : 34 comments   22,677 views
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Decoding the Mystery of Food Labels

Companies do their best to convince us their products are good for us, even if they aren't. Do words like "all-natural" and "organic" mean "healthy"? Not necessarily.
Posted 7/30/2010  12:00:00 PM By:   : 43 comments   21,310 views
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Froot Loops Qualify for the new “Smart Choices” Label (?!)

Have you seen those new green checkmark labels that are showing up on lots of packaged food products in your grocery store?

Find out how smart those foods really are.
Posted 9/10/2009  5:23:48 PM By:   : 261 comments   33,554 views
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Natural vs. Organic: What's Truth and What's Hype?

In a world where burgers are "now made with real beef," carrots are labeled cholesterol-free and sugary drinks are sold as vitamin supplements, what's hype and what's healthy?
Posted 7/14/2009  10:00:00 AM By:   : 67 comments   60,960 views
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Simple Ingredient Lists: Just Another Marketing Gimmick or a Healthier Food Option?

Frito-Lay and Häagen-Dazs have opened the door to new products offering no more then five ingredients on the label. Is this a trend that will likely catch or not?
Posted 4/15/2009  4:09:18 PM By:   : 188 comments   21,335 views
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Does it Really? The Truth about Açaí

Does açaí, a berry native to Central and South America, hold the key to weight loss?
Posted 12/18/2008  3:15:03 PM By:   : 122 comments   37,747 views
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Consider the Source: Could McDonald's Be Good For Your Kids?

McDonald's has launched a new ad campaign to promote some of the more positive aspects of their foods like French fries and Egg McMuffins. Are you skeptical?
Posted 11/28/2008  4:46:42 PM By:   : 173 comments   17,022 views
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Consider the Source: If It’s Made from Corn, What’s the Big Deal?

Taking a closer look at the TV ads released about high fructose corn syrup helps us better understand whether the commercial claims are accurate.
Posted 10/6/2008  6:12:35 AM By:   : 58 comments   12,416 views
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