All Entries For celebrity

Body Bullies and Happy Tears in This Month's Go Get It Guide

When the news is getting you down and nothing seems to be going right, this month's Go Get It Guide has a little something to make you smile.
Posted 10/6/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 88 comments   15,641 views
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A Rant Against Unrealistic Diet Expectations

From the wacky to the unhealthy, celebrity diets always seem to wiggle their way into the news. Read why our editor thinks they're problematic, plus discover a must-have product.
Posted 7/7/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 110 comments   35,187 views
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Will Hollywood Ever Learn to Stop Worrying and Love Real Bodies?

As female celebrities work to break body image stereotypes, is anyone in Hollywood listening?
Posted 12/4/2015  12:00:00 AM By:   : 24 comments   36,778 views
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10 Questions with Walking Guru Leslie Sansone

Find out Leslie Sansone's #1 secret to keeping her walks interesting, and get 5 tips to starting a solid walking program today. Read the interview now!
Posted 11/4/2015  6:00:00 AM By:   : 272 comments   613,983 views
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The Awards Show Workout Game: Sweat with the Stars!

Turn your next TV-watching escapade into a fun workout! This fitness plan pairs with any televised award show to get your heart racing.
Posted 1/24/2014  5:00:00 AM By:   : 36 comments   54,860 views
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Saying Goodbye to Whitney and Her Life Lessons

Learn how the tragic loss of this pop icon can teach you lessons that might save your life.
Posted 2/20/2012  10:00:00 AM By:   : 61 comments   25,305 views
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Is Everyone Being Too Hard on Paula Deen?

More than 8 percent of people in the U.S. have diabetes, including Paula Deen, so why so much outrage about her recent announcement? We think people should cut her some slack.
Posted 1/20/2012  10:00:00 AM By:   : 228 comments   32,084 views
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An Exclusive Interview with Tae Bo Creator Billy Blanks

Discover the daily mantra that keeps Billy Blanks motivated, whether Tae Bo will ever be available on Nintendo Wii, and more in this exclusive Q & A!
Posted 10/18/2011  6:00:00 AM By:   : 46 comments   34,383 views
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VIDEO: Hands-Only CPR Made Easier

Ken Jeong, an actor/comedian/physician, teamed up with the American Heart Association to create this funny video to help continue promoting hands-only CPR.
Posted 7/8/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 51 comments   20,875 views
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We Asked the 'Doctors': How Can We Improve Oral Health?

Recently, we had the chance to connect with Dr. Travis Stork, co-host of CBS' popular morning show "The Doctors." He shared great tips on keeping your mouth and smile in shape!
Posted 6/27/2011  10:00:00 PM By:   : 16 comments   13,169 views
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Kara Goucher's 6 Tips for Beginning Runners

You can get into a running routine without injury or agony. Olympic distance runner Kara Goucher shares 6 posture tips that will help you run more smoothly and efficiently!
Posted 6/22/2011  6:00:00 PM By:   : 34 comments   27,018 views
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VIDEO: Choose You!

Did you know that one in three women will get cancer in her lifetime? The American Cancer Society created the Choose You movement to help us take action and change this statistic.
Posted 6/22/2011  10:00:28 AM By:   : 17 comments   14,248 views
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VIDEO: SparkPeople Medical Expert Birdie on Oprah's Weight-Loss Show

Did you watch Birdie (DR_BIRDIE) on Oprah's weight-loss episode yesterday? If you didn't, or if you want to watch again, here's your chance.
Posted 5/11/2011  1:00:00 PM By:   : 36 comments   23,162 views
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Watch SparkPeople Medical Expert Birdie on Oprah's Weight Loss Show Today!

Tune in to the 'Oprah' show today to watch SparkPeople member Birdie (MOM5INFL) share her story. This is one you don't want to miss!
Posted 5/10/2011  9:00:00 AM By:   : 61 comments   29,450 views
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Blogging from the Road: Tiffany's Back on Tour with Beyonce*

Singer, songwriter and SparkPeople member Tiffany Moníque is the dailySpark's newest team member. She has exciting career news and a new weight-loss goal!
Posted 5/4/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 36 comments   24,224 views
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