CLOSED: Win Paradice Ice Packs!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
The winners are:

One of the perks of working at SparkPeople is a kitchen stocked with healthy foods: cereal, fresh fruit, granola bars, peanut butter, healthy frozen meals, and bags of frozen vegetables.

Back when I was training for my second half-marathon, I suffered from a bit of knee inflammation. After my mid-day winter runs (another perk of working at SparkPeople--the flexibility to schedule fitness breaks into your day), I would sit at my desk, ice pack on my knees to ward off pain. I usually remembered to bring one from home, but I have a confession: Sometimes I used a mini bag of frozen peas as an ice pack. So as not to waste food or subject my co-workers to eating peas that were melted and refrozen, I used the same bag.

I found that bag of peas recently, after a longer-than-usual run, when my knee felt a little wonky. After about 15 minutes of icing while I worked, I noticed a strange smell--like dirty feet, or something "off." I looked down, and my bag of peas had leaked (pea-d?) on my leg. It smelled rank. I guess frozen vegetables as an ice pack only works for so long. Gross, right?

Needless to say, when Paradice Ice Packs reached out to us and offered to share their products with you, I jumped at the chance. Their ice packs are awesome: They offer the flexibility and not-so-cold-your-body-part-will-fall-off iciness that frozen veg bags do, without the smell or worry of ruining perfectly good food.

Plus, their ice packs are custom designed for various parts of the body--including some that are like sleeves for elbows and knees, and others that are bags of different sizes. In short, these are super cool--no pun intended.

Today, you can enter to win your own Paradice Ice Packs.

Three lucky winners will each receive one include one flat ice pack and one cuff.

To enter, click here! Be sure to read the rules. This contest will end exactly one week from today!

What's the strangest item you've ever used as an ice pack?