Win 1 of 5 Sets of Workout Clothing from SparkPeople!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
The dailySpark is celebrating its first anniversary this week! We couldn't have reached this milestone without devoted and engaged readers such as yourselves, so we would like to say thanks for making this such a successful, fun year.

Each day this week, we'll be giving away various prizes!

Today's prize is five sets of workout clothing from!

I don't know if you've heard the news, but we've got plenty of new styles of T-shirts in the SparkPeople Store--many of them with fun and inspiring messages! "I'm making my life an adventure," "WooHoo!" "Fitness in Progress!" and "I finally lost it!" are just four of the shirts we offer. (See all of our apparel here.) If you win this giveaway, you'll get to choose any SparkPeople shirt you like, in the size and color of your choice, plus either a pair of Capri pants or a workout towel. The T-shirts aren't just for the gym. Wear them out on the town, too, as a way to Spread the Spark!

To enter, click here. (For complete rules, please click here.)

We'll choose all the winners for our giveaways on Friday, Aug. 28, 2009, at 9 a.m. EST.

Please note that we've changed the way you enter contests. Do NOT comment on this entry; it no longer counts as an entry. You need to click on the link above and fill out the official entry form!

See more: giveaway anniversary