CLOSED: Win 1 of 3 Cases of Seasonal Clif Bars

By , SparkPeople Blogger

Also, CLIF just told us they have a new flavor (Citrus) of Shot Blocks Energy Chews, which I love for my long runs. Have you tried them?

My boyfriend eats a lot. Though it's just two of us, I often cook for 6-8… which yields lunch and dinner for each of us: 2 portions for me and the rest for him.

He's a competitive cyclist and bikes as his primary form of transportation. The guy eats all the time!

Around our house, food goes fast, and we like to eat healthy, so we keep the pantry and fridge stocked with easy-to-eat, grab-and-go snacks for before and after a workout. Aside from my homemade baked goods (best way to portion control and resist overeating what you bake? Live with a cyclist!), his favorites are Clif bars. He always takes a couple along on long bike rides.

I like them, too, but they don't usually last long enough around the house for me to eat them!

Today, you'll get a chance to win a case of one of the three three seasonal flavors: Spiced Pumpkin Pie, Iced Gingerbread and a brand new flavor, Peppermint Stick! Three winners will be chosen.

Clif sent us some samples, and the SparkPeople team gobbled them up. I did get to try a Spiced Pumpkin Pie bar that I bought on my own and one of the Peppermint Stick bars that Clif sent. The Pumpkin Pie is spot-on in flavor, but I prefer Clif's Cool Mint Chocolate to the Peppermint Stick. I like mint and white chocolate, but I LOVE mint and dark chocolate.

To enter, click here! Be sure to read the rules. This contest will end exactly one week from today!
What is your favorite seasonal flavor?