When Does Plastic Surgery Go Too Far?

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Heidi Montag is an MTV reality star who has been in the news recently. She's on the cover of People magazine, discussing the 10 plastic surgery procedures she had (all in one day) a few months ago. She's been flooded with negative feedback from people who think it's excessive, unnecessary and even potentially dangerous. My opinion has always been that people should do what makes them happy. But is there a point where it becomes too much?

In the People issue, Montag defends her decision, saying "I just want to be as beautiful as I can be, inside and out." She feels she basically looks the same, but is just an improved version of herself. Montag doesn't think this should set an example for other young people to follow, since they aren't in the entertainment industry where appearance is such a big part of success.

Experts say that risks of complications rise after a patient has been under anesthesia for more than six hours. Montag's procedures are also drawing controversy because they took over 10 hours to perform.

I think it's important to be happy with who you are. If that means having some "work" done to make someone feel better on the inside, then who am I to judge whether or not its okay? But I see this situation a little differently. This young woman is 23-years old, and in my eyes, was beautiful to begin with. I know that the decisions I made at 23 and the decisions I'd make today are not the same. So who's to say she won't regret what she's done in a few years? I see a difference between doing small things to improve your confidence, and doing a lot of things that start to completely change what you look like. Personally, I prefer a natural look with imperfections versus a "Barbie" appearance. I think those differences are what make each of us unique.

Many of the comments I've seen about this situation are very negative and sometimes harsh. More than anything, I feel sorry for her. To see that many imperfections in yourself that bother you so much you want to have them surgically changed is kind of sad. I'm not saying I would rule out plastic surgery for myself or judge anyone else who does. But this seems beyond the normal scope of doing something to improve your self confidence.

What do you think?