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What's Cooking with 'The SparkPeople Cookbook'

By , SparkPeople Blogger

What an exciting couple of weeks we're having at SparkPeople. The press is catching on to the soon-to-be best-seller that is "The SparkPeople Cookbook: Love Your Food, Lose the Weight." (Available for pre-order now and everywhere books are sold on Oct. 4.)
Check out the great things people are saying about the book--and where you can learn more.

Fitness Magazine
Our World Master Chef and healthy eating expert “Chef Meg” Galvin and one of her recipes excerpted from "The SparkPeople Cookbook: Love Your Food, Lose the Weight" are featured in the October issue of Fitness magazine.  As she’s so adept at doing, Chef Meg reinvents a classic dish to make it healthy while tasting decadent.  In this case, it’s French Onion Soup.  As you’re running out to the grocery store to buy the ingredients, don’t forget to pick up a copy of Fitness, which did a beautiful job with the feature. 

Woman's World Magazine
Woman’s World is featuring on its cover member Leela Chabourne (LCHADBOURNE), who lost 145 pounds on SparkPeople in a little more than a year.  How did she become a cover girl?  She did everything by the book – Chris “SparkGuy” Downie’s New York Times bestseller.  The article’s theme is that making small changes can lead to a large amount of weight loss that doesn’t result in yo-yo dieting.  As the article put it, “[Leela] read about the small-change approach in a book called The Spark.  She then using the free tools at to guide her...”  The article also excerpted two of Leela’s favorite recipes from “The SparkPeople Cookbook: Love the Food, Lose the Weight.”  The magazine will be on newsstands through the first weekend in October, and it's not accessible online.  This one’s worth the trip to supermarket or news stand! 

To Your Good Health Radio
Stepfanie spent 15 minutes talking to Dr. David Friedman, B.S., N.D., D.C. and co-host Melanie Cole, M.S., about the new cookbook. If you missed the interview, listen to the podcast now. (Please share the link with your friends!) She talks about how you can love your food and lose the weight--and what differentiates SparkPeople from all those diet sites out there. This is a can't-miss interview! Stepfanie also shared a guest blog on their site.

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