VIDEO: Dear 16-year-old Me

By , SparkPeople Blogger
With summer here, it is important to remember to protect your skin when enjoying outdoor activities. However, even tanning beds have given good reason to cause alarm and we should be mindful of the consequences of those as well, not just the harmful rays from the sun. Below is an interesting and informative video that has numerous people speaking out to their 16-year-old selves about melanoma skin cancer and how it has affected them.

We've also rounded up some additional information regarding skin cancer, safe measures to take while out in the sun, and the risks of tanning beds can be to our skin's health.

I Was Addicted to Tanning Beds, until I Got Skin Cancer

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month
Give Up the Fake Bake: Tanning Beds Cause Skin Cancer
Little-Known Sunscreen Facts
Sun Protection Tips for Healthy Skin
Melanoma Health Information

What would you tell your 16-year-old self? How do you keep your skin healthy and cancer free?