Thinking Outside the Lunch Box

By , SparkPeople Blogger
To ensure that your child has ample fuel to power through those long classes, make sure they are eating a wide variety of foods from the major food groups. Use the USDA MyPlate as a guide to make sure you’re covering all the bases. Here are some tips on making lunchtime nutritious:

  1. Choose whole wheat bread instead of white. Whole grains are loaded with nutrients and fiber, while their refined counterparts are lacking. To make sure your bread is whole wheat, check the label. The first ingredient should be whole wheat, not just wheat flour. If your child is used to the refined version, try switching to a hybrid variety first, which contains some whole grains mixed with refined flour.
  2. Don’t skip fruits and vegetables. Many kids are partial to fruits, but vegetables are important, too. Include peanut butter or ranch dressing as a dip for carrots, celery, or cherry tomatoes. Add finely minced kale and zucchini to soups or stews, where it may sneak past your little detective. For fruit, fresh is best. If you must use canned (it may be time-saving and cheaper), make sure it is preserved in fruit juice, not syrup.
  3. Include protein for sustained energy. Besides lean meats, good protein sources include nuts, cheese, and beans. Some easy-to-pack examples include cheese cubes, almond butter (like peanut butter, but made with almonds instead), trail mix, hummus, and soy "deli" slices (found in the natural foods section of your local grocery).
  4. Add calcium. Include milk money or pack calcium-enriched orange juice, soymilk, or rice milk.
Avoid soda and other sweetened drinks. Water and 100% fruit juices are better choices.

Use the above tips for boosting the nutrition of your child's afternoon snacks, too. Try this chili popcorn recipe for a delicious whole-grain treat!