'The Spark' is a Best Seller--and We're On 'Today' Again

By , SparkPeople Blogger
I've been pinching myself so often lately that I might soon have a bruise on my arm. So much good news has been coming our way in the last few weeks that it's hard to believe that it's all happening at once. While 2009 was a pretty amazing year for SparkPeople, 2010 is the year of The Spark.

Last week, I recapped my trip to New York with you, and I told you that we had even more exciting news to share.

And here it is:

The Spark is a best seller, and it's all because of you.

From our official press release:

"SparkPeople.com, the most active weight loss and fitness website in America, is pleased to announce several publishing milestones for The Spark, a new book from Hay House written by SparkPeople Founder and CEO Chris Downie. For the week ending January 2, The Spark was the #1 self-help book and the only weight-loss book on The Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Books List in the Hardcover Nonfiction category, in which The Spark was ranked 7th overall. The Spark ranked #1 in sales of all Hardcover Nonfiction weight-loss books tracked by BookScan (the authoritative sales data provider for the publishing industry and the basis for the WSJ bestseller lists), outselling its nearest competitor by more than two-to-one."

This is all thanks to our great members who keep using the site to reach one goal at a time and then Spread The Spark to their friends and family members. It’s also thanks to the incredible team we have here at SparkPeople. I see our team working hard every day to keep improving the site. We have many new improvements under way, including some that will be the first of their kind. And, we had a second mention on NBC's "Today" show this week. (We're mentioned at about the 2:30 mark.) Click here to watch the video.

Thanks so much for all that you do to support SparkPeople!