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The Secrets of Success: Make A Plan

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Life is what happens when you're making other plans, as they say. Whether your life follows a straight and narrow path or one that meanders, there will be bumps, detours, and traffic jams along the way. That doesn't mean that you should stop--and you can't turn back. The same goes for weight loss. For it to last and become a part of your life forever, it isn't always easy--but it can be done. That's what we've learned from our most successful members, whose weight-loss successes are detailed in The Spark. We're sharing 15 of those 27 Secrets of Success here on the dailySpark.

Secret #9: Make a plan.

Of those who met their goals, a full 74 percent planned their meals and workouts in advance, and over 78 percent of 100-pound losers did! And, when compared to those who had not met their goals or were “stuck,” successful members planned their workouts more than twice as often.

I'm addicted to my BlackBerry, but I still have a paper planner. There's something very satisfying about crossing something off a list. From doctor appointments to dinner dates, SparkPeople meetings to yoga classes, I write it down and type it in. I also schedule my workouts, especially if my days are busy. That way, I see that that time is already booked--for an activity that is as important if not more than my work or home obligations. Tomorrow is Wednesday, and I know I've got a short abs workout with co-workers at 2:30 and yoga from 6-7:30. Any other plans that arise have to be worked around those commitments, and I don't have to worry about when I'll find time to exercise.

Make exercise and healthy eating a priority--without letting it take over your life.

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Know someone who would like to learn more about the Secrets of Success? Spread the Spark by clicking the green "Share" button below.

Making a plan is just one of the15 secrets we're spilling. Find the rest here (a new one is posted every day). For all 27 secrets, read The Spark.

How do you plan to be successful? What kind of healthy living plan have you implemented?