The Encouragement You Need is Right at Your Fingertips

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Before starting my job at SparkPeople, I never would have been interested in online Communities.  I’m a pretty private person with a small group of friends and family who I confide in about my ups and downs.  Why would I want to share all of that with a bunch of strangers?  Over the past 7 years of working for SparkPeople, I’ve changed my mind.  Every day I see amazing things happen when people get the support, motivation and information they need in the SparkPeople Community.   
SparkPeople prides itself on having a positive and supportive Community.  I always say that negative or mean-spirited people don’t last long here.  For example, someone posts that they are having a bad day and they are ready to throw in the towel.  Within a few hours, they will have ten responses to their post, encouraging them to keep going and not give up.  The responses are varied:  one might have some helpful advice about how to get back on track, another shares a similar experience and what worked for them, and a third will say something like “I’ve not been in that situation before, but just wanted you to know that I’m cheering for you and I think you can do it.”  Many times those simple responses, which might have taken someone only a minute or two to type, can help someone get back on the path toward success. 
The SparkPeople Community is a big place, and it can be hard to know where to start.  Do I post on the Message Boards?  Do I join a SparkTeam?  How do I make friends and begin to get involved?  Check out SP’s Guide to Posting in SparkTeams and Message Boards to learn more reasons to become an active Community member. 
Another way to make new SparkFriends and find extra accountability is through SparkPeople LIVE!, our online meetings that allow you to chat with other members and SparkPeople experts.  Here are a few quotes from members who have tried out this feature:
“I love my LIVE! meetings that I attend. I come away energized and encouraged. The other members attending are on the same road as me and do not put me down. They lift me up!!!! And I love the opportunity to visualize what I will be like when I accomplish my goals.” ANYVAR54
“I love SparkPeople LIVE!  It is very informative and by the end of the meeting, it has you feeling great. You get take-home information on everything that was discussed so you don't have to take notes, and each week they give you a new challenge to accomplish. Very down to earth and achievable.” AJHALL11281
Are you an active member of the SparkPeople Community?  Why or why not?  If you are, what features do you find most helpful?  Have you checked out SparkPeople LIVE?