Thanks to You, 'The SparkPeople Cookbook' is a Hit

By , SparkPeople Blogger

Golly, what a week this has been! Last week, I was in New York with The Slowest Loser to promote the book and tape my national TV debut, and this week--wow, are people noticing that we wrote a cookbook (a pretty darn good one)!

Before I share with you all the praise we've received, I want to thank each and every one of you who has bought "The SparkPeople Cookbook: Love Your Food, Lose the Weight" already.

What a fun time I had in New York! With the help of food stylist Nicki Sizemore (it's hard to do your own cooking when you're staying in a hotel!), we prepped Three Cheese Macaroni for the folks at Better TV--and it was a hit. Watch my clip from the show, which aired on Tuesday!
On Wednesday, The Cincinnati Enquirer ran an excellent story on the cookbook, with a can't-beat-it headline: SparkPeople book instant hit. A preview of the story was on A1, with a huge photo of Stepfanie and me on the cover of the food section, three recipes--and a great story that featured successful member Tara (HALLELUL). Even better, the online version had six photos! (Click here to read the story) All mentions of the cookbook are fun to see, but it's even neater to see an article on the book in the newspaper you read every morning (and the one where Stepfanie worked before coming to SparkPeople).

There's more--and you can win a copy of the cookbook, too!

Thanks to your support and all these great mentions, we have been the #1 cookbook on and a "best seller" on other websites as well.

The work isn't over yet! We have to keep spreading the Spark--and we need your help. Keep us on top of the list so we can keep spreading our healthy message. A $27.95 value, the book is only $16.36 right now! (Buy two or spend $25 at and get free shipping, too.)

This is one of the most important ways you can help us Spread the Spark. The site you know and love will continue to be 100% free, but we think this cookbook will help you take your program to a new level. You'll ditch the diet and lose weight--while eating food you love!

Order "The SparkPeople Cookbook" today and get 500 SparkPoints plus bonus recipe cards and a kitchen chart pack available only to those who buy the book.

In addition, you can help us Spread the Spark by:

  • Write a review of "The SparkPeople Cookbook" on and other sites to encourage others to buy a copy. Share your Success Stories so others can learn about

  • Sharing this blog and forwarding the emails we send about the cookbook. (Don't get the Recipe of the Day email? Click here to sign up!

  • Sharing info about the cookbook in your Teams and on the Message Boards

  • Sending Stepfanie ( photos of you with the cookbook when you spot it in stores or get yours in the mail! I'll share them on the dailySpark.

  •  Joining the official SparkTeam today And thanks to all the kind notes you've all left Stepfanie and me in the Team. We're overjoyed by the responses!

  • Liking on Facebook to get exclusive updates from Chef Meg and me! (Click here to "Like" SparkRecipes)

Thanks so much for your support!
What is your favorite recipe in "The SparkPeople Cookbook"?