Success Story: 'It Was a Really Dark Place for Me'*

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Chrissy Kellems-Silvas (CHRISSY-50)
Weight Lost:  55 pounds
Hometown: Blaine, WA
Occupation: Human Resources/ Workforce Planning Specialist

How did you gain the weight?
I am an emotional eater. During my 30s, I lost my father to hepatitis C and got married to a person that was emotionally and physically abusive to both my daughter and me. My daughter subsequently got involved with drugs, dropped out of school and left home by the time she was 17. In 2008, I left all my possessions and my ex-husband behind and moved 2,000 miles across the country for a fresh start near my biological mother, who had also been diagnosed with Hepatitis C.

My daughter, who was 16 at the time, further rebelled once we moved and spiraled out of control. Subsequently, my biological mother ended our relationship.  In that stress-filled year, I put on at least 25 pounds. At my highest weight, everything felt uncomfortable, including my own skin. I had never weighed that much in my whole life. I hated myself and what I had become. It was really a dark place for me.

What was the main motivation behind your weight loss?
My biggest motivation to lose weight was to heal. I just wanted to be a happy, healthy person again.  I quit smoking, took a firm stand with my daughter and took responsibility for my actions.  I had a lot of guilt for what my daughter was going through because I allowed her to be exposed to someone as awful as my ex-husband. I hated myself for what she was doing to herself. I had to start loving myself again. I had to show her by my actions that a healthy, happy life is a choice, not some random thing. 

Tell us a bit about your weight loss journey:
I worked with my physician because I just couldn’t take the weight off on my own. I eliminated processed carbs and sugars. I also started riding a bike. I would spend hours riding and thinking and letting go of old hurts. I cried and sweated out 10 years’ worth of hurt and pain. I wrote about each weight loss milestone, what it symbolized and how I had made peace with it.  I saw my doctor about every 3 months. I was pre-diabetic with high cholesterol, but my levels improved with each pound I lost. It took about 16 months to reach my goal weight.

How did you find SparkPeople?
I found SparkPeople during an online search.  The more I read about its creator, Chris Downie, the more impressed I was by his spirit of "giving back." Accountability is the key role that SparkPeople has played and continues to play in my journey.  I knew at the end of each day exactly what I needed to adjust. I could take my iPhone in to the doctor’s office and pull up my reports and talk through my results.  I recently have started really recording every food again as I fight these last 10 pounds. Plus I have started to really get active in the community. It helps keep me grounded on what I need to do and why.

What is your favorite healthy food?
It’s a toss-up between Brussels sprouts and asparagus.

What is your typical exercise routine?
I try to work out 3 to 5 hours a week, but I no longer see it as "working out"--it's me time. I am worth dedicating that time to on a regular basis, and that also enables me to be there for my family. I bike, use the gym or use exercise videos--it just depends on the weather and time.

Do you have any personal fitness goals?
 I rode in my first century (100-mile bike ride) in 2011 and finished a 190 mile ride from Seattle, WA, to Vancouver, BC, last summer. At some point, I hope to ride from Seattle to Portland, OR. My nine-year-old stepson comes every summer and just learned to ride a bike this past year, so I am hoping that we can do the local 25-mile family ride together at the end of July.

What advice would you give to someone just beginning a weight loss program?
Do it for you, not another person or a big event--but just for you. Don't be afraid to ask for help and surround yourself with supportive people.

How has your life changed since losing weight and improving your health?
Since 2008, my life has dramatically changed and weight loss is just a part of it. I met the most incredible man who loved me at 180 pounds and stood by my side as I was dealing my family issues. This wonderful man would let me cry for hours and just support me. Even at 180 pounds, he treated me like a queen and told me I was beautiful inside and out. When I decided I needed help, he stood by my side.  He changed his diet and learned to cook different meals to help support a healthy lifestyle for both of us. We got married and purchased a home in 2010, and, best of all, I have my daughter back. She respects me for taking a firm stand with her and has told me that since I was able to be firm and rebuild she was been able to do so to. I only just learned that I had an athlete in me wanting to come out just over the past few years. I am calling the next 10 years my "Fab 40s"!

Congratulations, Chrissy!

*Weight loss results will vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as a typical result of following the SparkPeople program.

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