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Stuff We Love: Cardio Dance DVDs from 10 Minute Solution

By , SparkPeople Blogger
As many times as I've received requests to create a cardio dance video, I have to assume that our readers love dance workouts. I do, too, but unfortunately, I'm not very good at creating or leading these types of workouts. I danced throughout my childhood and I still miss it as an adult, so I rely on cardio dance DVDs to get my dancing fix. Sometimes they can be disappointing. Other times they're too advanced. It isn't easy to strike the perfect balance of teaching fun dance moves without going over most people's heads, so I applaud those fitness instructors (or dancers in some cases) who can do it right.

Recently, I received a package from the folks at 10 Minute Solution. They make a wide variety of workout DVDs— toning, cardio, Pilates and more—that each include five 10-minute workouts, allowing you to choose a short workout or a longer one. Their DVDs have impressed me 95% of the time in terms of quality instruction, value, and workout variety. (So far, the only title I've tried that I would not recommend is their Kettlebell Ultimate Fat Burner, but we won't go into that here.)

Two newer releases of theirs impressed me all over again. If you're looking for fun, short cardio dance workouts that you can actually keep up with, look no further.

10-Minute Solution Dance Off Belly Fat! ($13.49

I really like Petra Kolber, the instructor of this DVD. I reviewed her Cardio for Beginners DVD recently and loved it, so I was happy to see another new title from her. She's an excellent instructor who does a perfect job of encouraging you without going overboard with the peppiness. I like her style and she does a great job of breaking down the moves and slowly adding on to them so that you can keep up with the routine. This particular DVD features a different dancing style in each of the five workouts: Latin Flavor Waist Sizzler and Dancer's Silhouette are just a couple of the workout titles. I like that she really moves around the room (as you can see from the preview below). The dance moves in this one have a broad appeal and each workout was markedly different from the next, which kept things fresh and interesting. Intensity-wise, it was not difficult. My heart rate elevated during the workouts (I did all five back-to-back), but it was low to moderate. It'd be better for beginners who need a lighter intensity workout or regular exercisers (such as me) who just want something fun and interesting to try. Here's what my co-worker Rachel, a 30-something mom of two said after she tried it:
"I love the 10-minute format in general. It is so practical for fitting in exercise and for people eager for variety. This DVD offers a fun sample of different dance styles while encouraging good posture and core strength. The first segment "Belly Blaster" (Latin style) was the most enjoyable in my opinion. For people who regularly exercise I consider this a "light" workout that is more about variety than intensity. I would include this DVD in a regular rotation of workouts on days when I need a quick workout or in the middle of the day for an energy boost."

Check out a preview of Petra Kolber in "Dance Off Belly Fat" by playing the video below or clicking here to see it on YouTube.

10-Minute Solution Hip Hop Dance Mix ($9.99

I had high hopes for this DVD. I think "hip hop" style is a lot of fun to watch, but I wondered if the instructor, Kristin Jacobs (a fitness professional and dancer with 20 years under her belt), would be able to teach ME hip hop. I have to say that she really delivered! I loved every workout on this DVD and thought that each one was unique in its own way. I danced my way through the entire DVD without even realizing how quickly the time was going by. I have to say that I felt like I was hot stuff learning these moves, but in reality, I probably looked really nerdy doing them in my living room. Oh well! I had a blast! Like the previous DVD, I didn't think it was a great workout (my heart rate was near the low end of an aerobic range), but it sure was fun. Kristin broke down the moves and slowly added on so that you can keep up with the choreography without getting bored.

Rachel (who loves dance workouts as I do) tried this title, too. Here are her comments:

"This DVD is very fun for 10 minutes or 50 minutes! I really appreciate that the workouts start right away. The dance routines seem like the right level of difficulty for most people. The moves are energetic enough for a moderate workout yet easy enough to 'really dance' after a little practice. Ten minutes of exercise goes by very quickly and I think most people will find themselves dancing for 50 minutes. Kristin Jacobs is fun without being cheesy and I like how she names the moves and lets you know what is coming up."

Check out a preview of Kristin Jacobs in "Hip Hop Dance Mix" by playing the video below or clicking here to see it on YouTube.

Overall, my only complaint about these and other 10 Minute Solution workouts is that the cool down and stretching segment at the end is almost non-existent. Some people will need more time to cool down and everyone should do some more stretches on their own than the instructors in these DVDs lead. If you're looking for a fun dance workout that's easy to follow and of lighter intensity, you'll enjoy these titles.

Do you have a favorite cardio dance DVD? Will you try the 10 Minute Solution dance DVDs?