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Steal Kate Winslet's Low-Cost Workout Secret!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Kate Winslet is a talented actor and mother of two. Despite her real-life role as a working mom, Kate is looking slim, toned, and downright fit in recent photos and stories—not to mention her new movies, The Reader and Revolutionary Road. In a recent interview with UK Elle magazine, she calls herself a "pretty average" woman with cellulite, and says that she doesn't have time hit the gym. So what's her fitness secret? You might be surprised to learn that it's something convenient, affordable and within reach of average women everywhere.

Kate told ELLE, "I don't go to the gym because I don't have time but I do Pilates work out DVDs for 20 minutes or more everyday at home."

Bravo! Here's why I rate this movie star's fitness plan with two thumbs up.

  • Pilates works! As a Pilates instructor, I've seen and experienced the amazing benefits of this form of exercise firsthand. Pilates is a form of strength training and flexibility training rolled into one, and it's something that almost anyone can do.
  • Daily exercise is a great idea. It doesn't have to be long (we all have 20 minutes to spare each day) or strenuous, for that matter. Just get your body moving.
  • Working out at home is easy, cheap, and more convenient than a gym. You can get small pieces of equipment for just a few bucks, and DVDs often cost less than $15 apiece.
  • Short workouts are worth the time. How often have you been so busy that you make excuses not to work out? Stop thinking of exercise with an all-or-nothing attitude. You might not have an hour to spare, but you can do something—even 5 or 10 minutes is better than skipping your workout entirely.

The only thing I'd add to Kate's fitness plan is some cardio. Pilates is not a magic bullet and it shouldn't be a person's only form of exercise. Different workouts offer their own specific benefits, and cardio is essential for health and weight loss. Ready to try Pilates yourself, at home, for FREE? Check out my streaming online videos: Pilates Abs Workout and Pilates Hips, Glutes and Thighs Workout today!

Do you workout with DVDs like Kate does? Would you rate her workout secret with thumbs up or thumbs down?