Stacy London Promotes Looking Good At Any Size

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Stacy London, co-host of TLC's show "What Not To Wear" is known for being critical of people's choices when it comes to fashion. She's even brutal at times when it comes to what's wrong with your wardrobe. But even though she might make negative comments about the shirt you're wearing, she will never comment on your size or tell you that you need to lose a few pounds.

London says her job is to accentuate the positive aspects of a person's figure and help them embrace their curves--not to make them feel bad because they don't wear a size 4. She doesn't feel that it's her job to question the health of the show's makeover candidates, but rather to help them see how a new scarf or pair of pants can take the focus off of those "trouble spots".

London knows what it's like to struggle with weight and fitting into the right clothes. She admitted that she's dealt with weight problems for a lot of her life, so she knows where many of these people are coming from. She thinks that learning to dress with style can make you feel good about yourself, regardless of the number on the scale. And if you feel good, that might give you the motivation to make changes in other areas of your life--like diet and exercise.

I know that when I'm not feeling good about myself (regardless of the reason), I spend less time caring about what I'm wearing or what I look like. But I can see how it could work in reverse: You look good, so you start feeling good, and that gives you the push you need to start taking better care of yourself. Even if they are critical of what these people are wearing, I think it's great that this show promotes looking good at any size, whether you're a size 2 or size 22.

What do you think? Do you watch the show? Do you think it sends a positive message about size?