Spotted: 'The Spark' and Some Amazing Members

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Greetings, SparkPeople! I'm writing to you from back home. I visited the team in Cincinnati last week, and we had a party to celebrate our recent successes. A couple of weeks ago, I asked you to send us photos of your "Spark Sightings." Round One was a hit, and so was Round Two. Check out these great stories and photos of members Spreading the Spark--and spotting The Spark.

"I purchased a copy of The Spark and donated it to my local library, which is also where I am employed. My theory is that some will not want to spend the money until they have had a chance to really ‘check it out’ to see if it is worth their hard earned dollars. I see it as a win/win situation, if they don’t care for it, at least they have heard of it, if they love it, they will go out and purchase a personal copy.

So far, our library is the only one in the state to offer The Spark.That means that folks in other towns may request an interlibrary loan and borrow ours. I have made an announcement and posted a photo on the ‘Spark Maine The Official Team’ so that all will know.

The photo is of myself at the Ellsworth Public Library, Ellsworth, Maine.

I LOVE my book! I am on chapter 3, and reading if VERY carefully, and slowly, taking in as much as I can! I don’t want to miss a morsel of the great information!"

Sandy Abbott (HIKERSAN)

"Well it's not a very flattering picture and it's not in a brick and mortar store but here is me listening to The Spark on my iPod Shuffle that I downloaded from the iTunes store online. I don't know if this will be an official "I Found The Spark" picture or not. I would LOVE a new iPod so I can listen to The Spark better (hint, hint)

THANK YOU, THIS IS A GREAT BOOK AND WEBSITE. I've been a member since July of 08 and you have helped me tremendously!"


"I just bought the book The Spark using the coupon provided. Love the book.

Eve Aguirre

"The Lubbock (Texas) SparkTeam (some of us!) spotted The Spark in our local Barnes & Noble. And we didn't get kicked out, even though we picked up the book & blocked the way & generally made a fuss!" Picture #1, back row, L to R: Nichole (NICKILIZMATH), Tammy (SMURFY_47), Kelly (KR2165), Chole (CIRRATX), Ed (EDVEAL), Daniel (LORDIRISH). Front row, L to R: Jaime (JA2010), Su (CHEEKYSU), Janet (DAMNITJANET40). Chad (CHADWICK_WILCOX) was the photographer!



Keep on Sparking!

How have you Spread the Spark today?