Spotted: 'The Spark'

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Last week when my new book, The Spark, was published, I shared with you the photo of me first spotting the book in stores. Since then, I've traveled from my home in California to New York and a few other cities, and I've seen it in bookstores--and even in people's hands. I asked you to share your photos of The Spark, and many of you did! As promised, here are "Spark Spottings"!

JUSTDOITLK from Long Island, New York

ALLYNMC from San Antonio, Texas

LLTS01 from Northern Virginia

If you can't find The Spark in your local bookstore, ask them to order it.

Have you seen "The Spark" in stores? When you do, snap a picture of yourself with the book and email it to, subject line: I Found "The Spark." You might soon see yourself on the dailySpark!