Speak Up and Be Heard, Win $100 SparkCertificates

By , SparkPeople Blogger
As we like to say, small steps can yield big results. You've got the chance to do something small and achieve something great while helping SparkPeople!

Do you have ideas on how to make the world a better, healthier place? Do you like trying new products and taking surveys? If so, we would like to invite you to join our NEW SparkPeople Supporter Survey Team.

With the help of Survey.com, a leading survey company with proven experience, we're offering our members the exclusive opportunity to join this SparkTeam and help shape our future.

As part of the SparkPeople Supporter Survey Team, you will help shape the way companies do business and have an impact on new products and services through fun and simple research surveys and product trials. To thank you for your help, we're giving you 25 SparkPoints just for registering, and you'll be eligible to win a $100 SparkCertificate (5 will be given away each quarter). After registering, all you have to do is respond to the survey and research that our survey partner, Survey.com, sends you!

As a SparkPeople Supporter Survey Team Member you can:

  • Join SparkPeople in improving the lives and health of others--and help us keep our costs low so we can make the site better!
  • Speak your voice and be an advocate for healthy lifestyles, while shaping new products and services.

You're already passionate about leading a healthy life. Take it to the next level and SPARK the products of the future while being rewarded for doing so! Join today!

The more SparkPeople members who join, the more people we'll be able to help by Spreading the Spark!

Are you going to join the team? Do you have any good ideas for Spreading the Spark?

UPDATE: Sorry to hear that you all are experiencing difficulty. We are looking into it further. But it may be that there are two different things that may be happening.

First, you have to be accepting cookies from sparkpeople.com. If you weren't accepting cookies, you can turn them on, go to https://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/ survey_team.asp , then copy and paste the link from the email into your browser.

Second, if you clicked the link in the email and it opened in a different browser than you went to the survey team page with, you won't be awarded points. If that happened, you can copy and paste the link from the email into the browser you used with SparkPeople and get the points.

If you still have problems, forward your confirmation email to support (at) sparkpeople (dot) come, along with your username and the points issue will be taken care of.

See more: spread the spark