SparkPeople Debuts in Washington Post

By , SparkPeople Blogger
The word is getting out about SparkPeople, and the good press is rolling in. In the last six months alone, we've been featured in Fortune, Good Housekeeping,, The Times of London, and Today, plus some of the Web's best healthy living blogs. And whom do we have to thank for such glowing reviews? Chris "SparkGuy" Downie for following his dream and starting SparkPeople? Yes, and... the fabulous team we work with every day? Yes, but also… YOU!

As we've said time and again, SparkPeople is eternally gratefully for the support, encouragement, and, most of all, success of our more than 8 million members. With that many members, if SparkPeople formed a state, we would supplant Virginia as the 12th largest in America. Wow!

Now, the SparkPeople community has another feather in its cap: A column in the Washington Post written by Jennifer LaRue Huget.

While she is setting out to lose 10 pounds solo, LaRue Huget speaks highly of the SparkPeople community's culture of encouragement:. As she puts it, "The magic's in the motivation."

She adds: "While there are plenty of similar resources on the Internet, the site stands out for the apparent enthusiasm of its members, its frenetic home page and the fact that it's free."

She also quotes two great members, Lori Gutierrez and Ryan Leach.


The entire story can be found here. Be sure to comment on the article and share it on Facebook!

Do you agree: At SparkPeople, is the magic in the motivation?