Say Hello to Our Little Friend: The SPARK Activity Tracker

By , SparkPeople Blogger
It's an exciting time here at! After 12 years of helping people reach health, fitness and weight-loss goals with our free online programs and trackers, we have a new innovation that's been many months in the making. (Do you know how hard it is to keep something like that a secret for so long?)
Today, we are thrilled to announce the release of the Spark Activity Tracker, a tiny (and fun!) little reminder to fit more fitness into your day. About the size of a quarter, it's the first—and only—activity tracker that fully integrates with your experience.
If you need a little extra motivation to be active each day (and really, who doesn't?), then keep reading to find out what it is and how it can help you achieve your goals.

It's no secret that I am a BIG fan of activity trackers. They make fitness a lot more fun and motivational for people of all levels (myself included). Each day, you think about your activity level a little more. When you clip it on, it's on your body and your mind—and you set goals for yourself, reach new milestones, earn rewards and trophies for your efforts, and can even compete with friends who also use the tracking device. The Spark Activity Tracker makes it easier to make the right choices—to go for that walk after dinner rather than sitting on the couch, or to walk the extra block instead of parking closer.

SparkPeople's experts have long talked about how workouts are helpful, but being active throughout your day matters just as much—if not more than hitting the gym. With the tracker clipped to your shoe, pocket, belt or bra, you'll notice yourself finding more ways to get active instead of looking for excuses to stay stationary. That's the magic of it: the motivation—and reminder—to get up and get moving.

How It Works
The Spark recognizes motion in your body and can even detect whether you're taking a short walk to the car or powering through a tough workout. It determines your "steps" and calories burned accordingly, storing and tracking that info all day. When you sync the Spark to your computer wirelessly, that info feeds directly into your SparkPeople Fitness Tracker and your Activity Tracker "dashboard" (see picture below) so you see all of your results, receive feedback on how to do better, compete with your friends and more. There are NO subscription fees to use SparkPeople or the Spark features after your initial purchase of the device! It makes fitness tracking easy!

Even better, the Spark Activity Tracker experience is fun! It's easy to set up, easy to use, and easy to stay motivated thanks to emails, trophies, monthly challenges that only Spark owners can participate in, and feedback to help you get to the next level. Unlike other activity trackers, that only spit out data, the Spark fully integrates with your totally free account at By combining the Spark Activity Tracker with our totally free food tracker, workouts, articles, recipes, and supportive community, you have a comprehensive program to help you reach your goals. Everything you need for health and fitness, all in one place!
How to Purchase the Spark
The Spark is available in two colors (matte black and glossy four color) from our online store and for just $59.95. You'll also earn 500 SparkPoints when you sync your tracker to your SparkPeople account (when purchased from either website).
We created the Spark Activity Tracker and the new features that go along with it with YOU in mind. We think you'll love using the Spark Activity Tracker and can't wait to hear what you think about it. If you have questions about the Spark, our team will work hard to answer them if posted below or in the Message Boards--or you can check out our Spark FAQ page. You can also check out some reviews of the tracker from other SparkPeople members below:

LARRI2010's Review
111BUTTERFLY111's Review
RENE176's Review
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