Shrink Your Food Container Pile

By , SparkPeople Blogger
By Arianne Cohen of Woman's Day

Don’t let your collection of kitchenware turn into an overhead hazard. Avoid the monstrous pile of empty plastics by heeding a few simple strategies. From choosing the right space to embracing strategic stacking, read on for WD’s must-know organizing secrets.

  1. Purge: Recycle anything you haven’t used in the last 3 months and anything without matching lids, says Helene Segura, a professional organizer at LivingOrder San Antonio. Also toss scratched, damaged or warped plastic; it can leach chemicals into your food.
  2. Abandon cabinets: Food containers are for deep drawers, says Barry Izsak, past president of the National Association of Professional Organizers. He’s right: Those piles and nests are much less prone to chaos in a drawer, and you can easily see what you’re grabbing. If you don’t have drawer space, use shallow shelves.
  3. Stack it right: Pile by shape, with containers horizontal, lids vertical beside them.
  4. Store like with like: It’s OK to mix in other related kitchen supplies. The sandwich container drawer might also hold lunchboxes, and the casserole-size Pyrex dishes can be stored with other casserole dishes. This is the best defense against that out-of-control container drawer.

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