Should Bake Sales Be Banned?

By , SparkPeople Blogger
School groups are always trying to raise money to support their activities. Tougher economic times and tightened school budgets make fundraising from candy sales or bake sales commonplace. My daughter did her fair share of making delicious puppy chow for lunchtime sales to support the National Honor Society. Our son has sold scores of candy bars to benefit the band.
In an attempt to formulate new school nutrition regulations, state health officials in Massachusetts recently took some heat for their proposed ban on bake sales. Legislation set to go into effect in August would prohibit selling sweets in school during the day as well as immediately before and after the school day. After an outcry of concern with the impact the legislation would have on fundraising efforts, Massachusetts state officials backpedaled on the bake sale ban. This is not the first state to try to tighten up control on sweets in school. Back in 2010, a school district in Michigan banned cupcakes for school celebrations.This recent potential ban caused many to ask if bake sales should be banned.
But what if they were turned into educational opportunities?

School bake sales could provide the perfect chance for families to practice making healthier alternatives while also raising funds for school groups. Schools could even award prizes for the best tasting, most nutritious baked good entries. As families begin making sweet tasting treats incorporating smart ingredient substitutions, they learn healthy habits for their home use as well. Perhaps all that the dreaded bake sale needs is 14 clever ideas for healthier baked goods for light baking done right and some friendly competition to turn healthier school bake sales into a new fad.
Here are six healthier bake sale options we love.

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
Whole Wheat Oat Pumpkin Muffins
Granola Breakfast Bars
Chef Meg's Whole Wheat Pretzels
Chef Meg's Oatmeal Orange Cookies
Stepf's High Fiber Brownies

What healthier sweet alternative would you recommend for a school bake sale?