Share Your Resolutions to Stay Accountable

By , SparkPeople Blogger
At SparkPeople, we frequently talk about setting goals and holding yourself accountable. But if you set a goal and don't tell anyone about, will you stick to it? We know (and research has proved) how important and effective a supportive network of friends can be when you're trying to live a healthier life. So when you set your New Year's resolutions, be sure you share them with others. In addition to telling your SparkTeams, posting on the Message Boards and creating a Vision Collage, we've found another cool way to share your goals and stay on track.

SparkPeople has teamed up with Living Social to offer a New Year's resolution application that you can use on your Facebook page.

By adding this application to your Facebook page, you'll share your goals with others and help us Spread the Spark!

Click here to access the application.

The application is easy to use. You'll choose five resolutions from the thousands that others have already shared or create your own. Then it will be displayed on your Facebook page for all of your friends to see. In addition to sharing your goals, you'll also Spread the Spark, because this application has a "SparkPeople" theme!

Have you shared your resolutions with others? What are they?