Save $$ on Your Super Bowl Party

By , SparkPeople Blogger
When you're entertaining, you always want to make sure you have enough food on hand. But no one wants to waste food either. How can you determine how much food to buy for a party?

We'll show you exactly how much food you'll need for your Super Bowl party.

Cocktail Party: 10-12 appetizers per person

Dinner Party: 5 appetizers per person

How many varieties?
  • <50 people: 8 types of appetizers
  • >50 people: 6 types
  • 15-20 people: 4-5 types
  • >15 people: 3 types

    Meat or fish: 6 ounces

    Rice, grains: 1/4 cup per person

    Potatoes: 2/3 cup per person

    Vegetables: 1/2 cup per person

    Beans: 1/4 cup as a side dish

    Pasta: 1/2 cup per person

    Green Salad: 1 cup per person

  • 1 slice cake, tart or pastry
  • 1/2 cup pudding or mousse
  • 1/2 cup ice cream
  • 2 Tablespoons whipped cream or chocolate sauce

    While we're on the subject of Super Bowl parties, find out how to slim down your favorites! (78 calorie Mozzarella Stick, anyone? How about Low-Fat Poppers or Boneless Wings?)

    Do you have any money-saving party-planning tips?