4 Ways to Reignite the Spark This Month!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
SparkPeople is happy to launch our springtime Reignite the Spark campaign, which encourages you to strengthen the connections you've made with other members and provide encouragement to members that might be having trouble. We saw some great success with last year's Reignite the Spark campaign, and as SparkPeople member, YOUR help is crucial to its success this year, too!

We want everyone to know that SparkPeople's Community is so strong and positive that even when you don't explicitly ask for help, someone will reach out and offer support and motivation. We want to show the world that SparkPeople.com is more than a free weight-loss website. It’s a global movement of people taking control of their health—and helping others do the same.

As an active member of SparkPeople, you have probably supported (or received support from) many members. But sometimes, you lose touch with some members over time. So, we're asking every member to reach out to SparkFriends that you've lost contact with and see how their doing. (If you haven't had a chance to connect with others yet, learn how our Community improves your likelihood of success.)

If you're going to reach out to old friends, it might help to look over the some of your personal archives to figure out whom you've lost touch with. (Make sure you’re logged in for these links to work). You can do this by going through your SparkMail sent folder or by visiting your Recent Message Board History.

If you've stayed in contact with all of your friends, or you'd like to reach out to more members that might need a helping hand, we suggest browsing through our SparkPages to find some who could use a little support. Once you identify who you'd like to reach out to, the best ways to connect with new friends are to:

The key is that you do something—anything—to let others know that you want to see them succeed! Being part of a positive and supportive Community can help all of us reach our goals, so Reignite the Spark this month!