Podcast: Healthy Summer Travel and Cookout Tips

By , SparkPeople Blogger
One of the most fun aspects of my job is when I get to Spread the Spark during radio, television or newspaper interviews. It's so fun to talk to members of the media and share my passion for healthy living and all things SparkPeople with a new audience. While I have appeared live on the local news a few times, most radio interviews I do take place over the phone. But a few weeks ago, "SparkPeople Dave" and I had a chance to visit an actual Cincinnati radio studio for an hour-long talk show. We discussed the history of SparkPeople, some fun new things that are coming up (you'll have to listen to find out what they are!), and some helpful tips about staying fit on vacation and making the best food choices at your next summer cookout.

We had so much fun on the "What’s Hot with Molly, Kelly and Caitlin" radio show and did a fair share of joking around (none of us take ourselves THAT seriously!) that I thought you'd enjoy listening to the podcast of the show, too.

Play or download the radio podcast here.

Thanks for Molly, Kelly and Caitlin, the force behind both the "What's Hot" show and the Cooking with Caitlin brand who shared a couple of their great summer recipes with dailySpark last year. We had a lot of fun Spreading the Spark and getting to know these fabulous ladies. I hope you enjoy listening to the podcast!

Molly, Caitlin, SparkPeople Dave and Coach Nicole after the show

What are your best tips for staying healthy on vacation and at summer cookouts? Tell us below!