'Pin' SparkPeople Content, Get SparkPoints!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
You might have already known that by "liking" a SparkPeople article or tweeting it, you could get up to three points per day. Now, we are offering the option of "pinning" for those points. If you click the "Pin It" button on any piece of SparkPeople content (still up to three per day), you will be awarded one SparkPoint. (See all eligible SparkPoints tasks here.) To receive your points, be sure to click the "Pin It" button on the share bar at the left of any page.

We think that sharing your favorite SparkPeople content on social media is one of the best ways to "Spread the Spark" and help us help you get healthy for free!
Thanks for your support, and let's start pinning! (And don't forget that the healthy living inspiration doesn't stop here--join us on Pinterest for more free support and inspiration!)