Piloxing: The Hot Hybrid Workout That's Got Us Throwing Punches

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Can't decide between Pilates and boxing? Now you don't have to: Enter Piloxing™, the fusion fitness workout that's steadily gaining a following around the country. Is this hybrid of punching and precision just a passing trend, or is it here to stay? We talked to Viveca Jensen, the founder of Piloxing, to find out what has so many fitness enthusiasts filling up the studios.

What Exactly Is Piloxing?

Piloxing is the only exercise that combines the high-intensity cardio of boxing with standing Pilates movements. A native of Scandinavia, Jensen became a master Pilates instructor after a knee injury sidelined her professional dance training. When her clients began asking for ways to incorporate cardio into their Pilates routine, her vision came to life.

Jensen created Piloxing as a fusion of her passions for dance, boxing and Pilates. "I wanted women to have a workout where they could throw some punches to feel powerful, but also feel feminine," she says. "I also wanted people to explore another side of themselves that they probably haven't seen." It's Jensen's goal for every student to leave the studio feeling powerful and in control of his or her health and self-image.

Jennifer Lynn is a Piloxing instructor at Fit Philosophie in Northern Kentucky. A diverse fitness trainer with certifications in many disciplines, she added PILOXING to her repertoire in 2014. "I'm always looking to add innovative and new programs to our facility," says Lynn. "It's fun and it appeals to many ages and levels of fitness. Also, you don't need equipment—you can do it anywhere!"

What Can PILOXING Do for You?

A unique form of interval training, Piloxing provides both a cardio workout and targeted strength training moves. In a typical routine, you'll work all upper and lower muscle groups by doing squats, lunges, leg lifts, boxing jabs and more. You'll wear half-pound weighted gloves to boost your heart rate and strengthen your arm muscles. And there's no need to tack on extra crunches at the end—Piloxing moves keep the core engaged at all times.

"People become addicted because they love the feeling of strength and power when throwing jabs, but also the feeling of control and focus with the Pilates principles," Jensen says.

You're a good candidate for Piloxing if you want to improve your balance, flexibility and coordination while developing lean, sculpted muscles. Oh, and then there's that little perk of burning up to 1,000 calories in a single hour.

Piloxing FAQs
  • Do I need to wear shoes? Piloxing is a barefoot program, so feel free to slip off your shoes before entering the studio. If you're more comfortable wearing shoes or non-slip socks, you're welcome to do so.
  • Do I need to bring any gear? The only gear used in Piloxing are the (optional) signature half-pound gloves. Although they're comfortable and lightweight, they add some extra resistance that increases arm muscle tone and boosts the calorie burn. Lynn's studio provides water, towels and mats, but some do not. Check with your facility to find out what you'll need to bring.
  • What if I can't do all of the moves? "You can adjust the intensity based on your level," Lynn says. "Slow down or ramp it up as needed. The most important thing is to keep moving and have fun."
  • Do you have any sample workouts I can try at home? Yes! Check out these 8 effective Piloxing routines to do anywhere.
Have you tried Piloxing, or would you like to? Share your experience in the comments!