One of Our Fittest Team Leaders Dishes to the dailySpark

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Each month, SparkPeople chooses an outstanding SparkTeam leader or leaders puts in the extra effort to support his or her Team and the SparkPeople Community. This month, we chose ROBERTBFIT and PAULAB_CPT, Leaders of SouthBay/Beach Cities SparkTeam.

Here are just a few reasons why Robert and Paula were selected to receive this award:

In addition to organizing bi-weekly meetings, creating monthly challenges and doing other Team activities with the help of their co-leaders, Robert and Paula helped plan and execute the Los Angeles SparkRally over the summer which was featured on Entertainment Tonight.

SparkGuy had this to say about Paula and Robert: "They are what SparkPeople is all about! They truly enjoy helping all types of people reach their goals--from beginners to experts. It was so much fun to join them for a SparkRally in LA. They've worked hard one person at a time to start something special for this local team. We really appreciate their help in putting on a great event when Entertainment Tonight showed up to film a story about SparkPeople. "

"They did a lot of prework: setting the location, organizing volunteers, creating the agenda, making banners, leading a great group fitness class for everyone (for free... which they also do either every week or every month at the same location for anyone who shows up). It was especially important that this event went well because of ET. We really couldn’t have done it without them," said Grant, from SP's PR Team.

Today the dailySpark is sharing an interview with Paula:

Q: Why did you decide to join SparkPeople?

A: It’s really funny. Usually I am the one telling people about resources and tools. This time it was a client referring me. She saw something about it on The Ellen Show! I am ashamed to say I didn’t even know about SparkPeople before then!

Q: Has fitness always been a part of your life?

A: Oh my gosh! Yes! It was my destiny!

Before I can even remember, I was exercising. My grandma told my mom about some guy named Jack Lalanne when I was only a few months old. So every morning I was seated in front of the television set so we could exercise with him. By the time I was 3 or 4 I thought it was just a normal part of our morning routine! This went on for years and jumpstarted me into playing organized sports and then later to working in the health and fitness industry!

Q: As someone who is remarkably fit, how does SparkPeople help you?

A: Even though I am fit, I want to stay this way. I still need to be accountable to my goals whatever they may be at the time. Tracking my daily workouts and nutrition really helps. Being a team leader keeps me motivated and I love the support I get from my teammates! I also love reading all the great information , inspirational stories and blogs from other SparkPeople members!

Q: You are a team leader, and I understand you also lead real-life workouts each week. Tell me a little about those workouts.

A: Yes, I lead a few teams! My concept from the beginning has been to provide free workouts to fellow Sparkers because SparkPeople itself is of course a free web site. Keeping this all in mind, we meet up, get fit, have fun, and invite others to join us while we are at it. It never costs anyone a thing! How awesome is that?

I even conned a few of them into participating in local events. This however does cost some money but usually I am able to work with the promoters for a discount. It’s been close to a year now and I have been meeting with my team every Saturday morning from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. at the beach. I added a Wednesday night at 6:00 p.m. in another park and we added SparkTeens to our class. This month I am adding a 7:00 a.m. walking group on Saturday mornings. We just finished our first real event together “Conquer the Bridge” in San Pedro, CA. I must admit it feels good and I am really having a blast getting people healthy and fit!

Q: Why did you start those and who comes and what do you do?

A: Well, it really started out as a sneaky way for me to meet my local teammates! Online is fun but I like to get out and actually meet people and do stuff. I also thought it would be good for others to get out of their comfort zones. I love group exercise! I don’t like working out or doing events by myself so I started recruiting team members this past January (New Year's Resolutions).

I have members from 16 to 73 years old participating in my workouts. My only request is that they have a doctor’s OK to exercise. They are on their honor. It is a moving workout that consists of brisk walking (cardio) along the beach with light weights and body weighted (resistance) exercise (maybe some stairs) and ends up in yoga stretch. This program switches up every four weeks so it stays fresh and the team doesn’t get bored. Sometimes I invite other instructor friends of mine to join in and put their twist on the workout with music, dancing and other stuff which keeps it exciting, fun and different. There’s never a dull moment and we laugh a lot!

Q: What is your next Fitness Goal?

A: Well, it’s to workout with Jack Lalanne of course! He just turned 95 this year and is my role model for true longevity, health and fitness!

Q: What is your greatest fitness achievement to date?

A: I think when I was given the opportunity to serve my country by bringing beauty, health and fitness to the military men and women at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I also got to snorkel in the most beautiful untouched beaches I will probably ever see. That was an awesome experience!

Q: How do you stay in shape?

A: I used to be a “workout-aholic” teaching up to three classes a day and training like a maniac for fitness competitions, crazy stuff like that. I looked really good but that doesn’t mean I was healthy. My adrenal glands did not like me so much. I was always tired! Since then I have learned about balance and Zen! I get a full body workout in about four days a week. Sometimes it’s only 20 or 30 minutes, but intense. I do the same for cardio about five or six days a week. I will break my workouts up over the course of the day if I need to. I make it fit into my schedule. I have learned that less is more. My body responds a lot better now that I have learned the secret of the right foods, eating properly, drinking plenty of pure water, taking the right supplements and getting plenty of sleep (I take a nap every day)! I cannot stress all of this enough! It is imperative if you want to be beautiful, healthy and fit for the years to come!!!

Q: What tips do have for someone who is just getting started with SparkPeople?

1. Never ever, ever quit! Consistency and persistency are the keys to success!
2. Thoughts become things. If you think you can do it …you can do it!
3. Join a team. Find SparkBuddies for support, accountability and motivation.
4. Don’t just sit there. Participate!
5. Have written goals. Use them to create your action plan.
6. Start with one new habit and build on that.

Does Paula inspire you? What is YOUR next fitness goal? What is your favorite SparkTeam?