Nutrition Tracking: Now Even Faster

By , SparkPeople Blogger
People who keep a detailed food diary (like the SparkPeople Nutrition Tracker) lose twice as much weight as people who don't track what they eat. Are you using your Nutrition Tracker every day? Are you recording everything you eat and drink? Are you measuring your portions for accuracy? If you've gotten stuck on your weight-loss journey, this is the best place to start looking for small changes you can make to your eating habits.
And now, tracking is even faster and easier than ever! Instead of having to type in a whole word to search for the food you ate, the search box will populate a drop-down menu with choices as soon as you start typing. So, for example, if you start to type "strawberry," as soon as the first few letters hit the box, you'll get a drop-down like this:

This new feature will save you time and make it even easier to accurately track calories and nutrients in your diet!

When you're in weight-loss mode, do you use the Nutrition Tracker every day? If not, what would make you more likely to make tracking a part of your day?