My Best Advice for Those Just Starting Out

By , SparkPeople Blogger
One of the most difficult things to do is change.  Some people thrive on it; I’m not one of those people.  A little here and there is good enough for me.  When it comes to changing your body, we all want it fast and now, including me. Now where was that genie in a bottle infomercial number I took down last night?
The number one advice I have for people is to embrace your change and your journey.  Make your changes slowly and for real.  If you’re the type who cleans out the kitchen, gets rid of all the food, swears to exercise an hour a day, and starve the fat off no matter what it takes, you too will burn with passion and have some success... that is until the burnout hits hard.
One of my mantras is "Aim for better every day, never perfect right away."  We can all achieve better, but not one of us will achieve perfect.  So quit holding yourself up to perfect standards.  Better standards are worth aiming for--always challenge yourself.
To challenge yourself you don’t need to jump out of your chair and run a 5K.  It may be a challenge for you to walk to the mailbox.  You also don’t need to eat lettuce for every meal.  Taking a few less bites is a good first goal.  Maybe order a size down from your usual or use a smaller plate.  Try to push yourself gently in the right direction, but don’t push so hard that you push yourself down.
Setting yourself up for success is also crucial.  You need proper storage ware to put leftovers in immediately.  They also help make lunches for the week or your own frozen dinners.  It’s necessary to have measuring cups, spoons, and a food scale.  These things help you determine serving sizes.  Many times we "eyeball" a serving size and we are way off base.
Have some clothes that make you want to move.  They can be any clothes.  If nobody is home and you want to wear something you would never be caught out in public wearing, this is YOUR workout time.  It’s your treat to wear whatever you want or that makes you feel good about your body.
Great music is a must for workouts.  I keep a playlist just for workouts of songs I really love.  Then it’s a treat to hear them when I workout, so I workout longer and harder.
I hope my tips help you.  They’ve helped me lose 150 pounds and keep it off. 
What are your best pieces of advice for someone just starting out?