My 7 Best Green Beauty Tips

By , SparkPeople Blogger
When I was younger, I loved makeup. I had eyeshadows in every color, dozens of bottles of nail polish, and an overflowing toiletries case. These days, I am trying to accumulate less stuff in this life, and I also pay more attention what's in the products I put on my skin and in my body. Plus, I just don't like wearing makeup and painting my nails as much as I once did.

With Earth Day just around the corner, I thought I would share my favorite green beauty tips with you!

My skin is very forgiving, and I have been able to switch to more natural, vegetable-based soaps instead of fancy face wash. (I love the tea tree oil and peppermint soap from Orange Fuzz.)

Baking soda: Mix a pinch into your face wash or soap and scrub away. It's quite gentle and leaves my skin feeling great.

Coconut oil: Instead of pricey lotions with questionable ingredients, I keep a small plastic container of coconut oil in the shower. It's solid until it reaches 76 degrees Fahrenheit, so a bit melts each time I shower. I rub it into my skin while it's still damp (the water on my skin helps me spread it around more easily). It smells great--like a tropical vacation--and it keeps my skin smooth and silky. I keep some in my desk at work, too, and I use a dab of it instead of cuticle oil. It's also great for removing eye makeup instead of cold cream. (You could also use olive oil.) I buy coconut oil at my local supermarket. You can find it in the health food aisle. I buy the unrefined version and prefer Nature's Way brand. You can also find it online.

Essential oils: Instead of expensive, synthetic fragrances, I use a dab of diluted essential oil (usually lavender) on my pulse points.

Sugar + olive oil: Mix together equal parts sugar and olive oil for a natural body scrub.

Tea tree oil: If I do get a breakout or blemish, I add a drop of tea tree oil to a witch hazel-soaked square of cotton (I usually just use the corner of a washcloth, the same one I use to wash my face) and dab it on. Trader Joe's has the best deal on tea tree oil. I buy Desert Essence brand.

Vinegar: I use a tablespoon of vinegar to my hair when I rinse it to cut through any residue and leave it shiny and healthy.

Witch hazel: I credit witch hazel for keeping my skin clear. I use it on my face, neck, chest and back daily, and I it's also great for preventing razor burn (dab it on anyplace you would normally experience those pesky red bumps).

I do still use some synthetic products, but I need to find some alternatives in a hurry. At the end of May, I'm going to Honduras for a yoga retreat, and the eco-friendly facility doesn't allow any synthetic products. Would you be willing to share your best tips and products in the comments below?

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See more: tips green living